Chapter 16

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Reagan avoided me for the rest of the week. She wouldn't respond to any of my texts, ignored me in the halls, and sat by herself at lunch. Even when I tried to sit next to her she would get up and leave. We had never been in a fight like this before. I was beginning to worry she would never forgive me.

I missed her too. I needed her advice. She was far more versed in the world of relationships. Not that Kendall and I's relationship was romantic or anything. But I was still confused. The dream I had about her was confusing. I found it hard to keep my head clear when I was around her. When I was with Nick, all I could think about was her.

It didn't help that it seemed like Kendall hated Nick and I's relationship. I noticed anytime Nick kissed me, or we held hands, or hugged, or did anything couply really, she would scowl or shift uncomfortably. At first I thought maybe she just didn't like PDA, but with the amount of times her and Zach basically dry humped in the halls, it seemed like the latter. I hated the idea that she didn't want me to date him. But I wasn't going to break up with him over that. Besides, I was just getting on her good side, I wasn't going to ruin that.

A week after Reagan and I's fight I pulled into the school parking lot. Vaughn and I went in early since he had started doing two a days in preparation for basketball season. I didn't mind getting up a little earlier. It just meant I had more time to drink my coffee before class.

"Ron!" The familiar voice gained my attention as I settled into the back of the line.

I scanned the cafeteria until my eyes settled on the source of the voice. I couldn't suppress the immediate smile seeing her gave me. Kendall waved to me, holding up a white Styrofoam cup. I joined her at the table, sitting across from her.

"One cup of dirt," she smirked, setting the cup in front of me.

"You have got to stop calling it that." I rolled my eyes at her, "And you really don't need to keep buying my coffee."

"First of all, if you added some cream or sugar to make it consumable, I wouldn't think it was a cup of dirt."

"Better than drinking eighty-five sugar packets." I interjected.

She stuck her tongue out at me. I swallowed and tried to avoid looking at her lips for too long. She rolled her eyes as she continued, "and second of all, I haven't sufficiently paid off my debt to you. So, until then, enjoy your free cups of dirt." She pointed to the cup.

"I already told you that you are forgiven. Really." I assured her.

"Then consider it as a payment plan for any future apologies I may need." She said with a smirk.

"You planning on getting me into more trouble?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"I never plan on getting in trouble, it just happens." She shrugged.

"Yeah and you tend to drag everyone else around down with you." Nick said, causing both of us to look up. He sat down next to me, placing his arm over my shoulder, and kissing my cheek. 

I officially decided that I hated when he did that. I glanced at Kendall in time to notice her irritated eyeroll.

"I do not." She glared at him.

"Do too! Do I even need to remind you of every family gathering growing up? How we always ended up in time out because you always convinced me to play pranks on the other cousins or our aunts and uncles?" he said, raising his eyebrows at her.

She gave him and unimpressed glare before sighing, "well if you were a better lookout we never would have gotten caught!"

I laughed as they continued to bicker. I felt myself relax a bit. I definitely enjoyed being around both of them, yet a little voice was gnawing at the back of my mind. I had noticed it a few times since becoming her friend. A small part of my brain wishing Nick wasn't around. That it was just Kendall and I. 

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