Chapter 12

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I stared at the front door of my house for what seemed like an hour. My shaky hand rested on the door knob but I couldn't will myself to turn the handle. What awaited me on the other side was my worst nightmare. Angry parents.

I took a deep breath and – knowing I couldn't stay outside forever – slowly opened the door. The kitchen light was on, but the house was completely silent. No tv, no clanking of dishes, no chatting siblings. The door closed loudly behind me, causing me to wince.

"Veronica." My mom's eerily calm voice came from the kitchen.

I slowly walked toward the lit room, scared of making another noise. I turned the corner to find my mom and dad seated at the dining table. I gulped as I approached them, taking a seat across from where they sat.

Mom stared daggers at me while dad glanced between us. We remained in uncomfortable silence for far longer than necessary. Just get it over with!

"I don't even know where to start." My mom finally spoke, shaking her head in disappointment, "What on earth were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't! I'm so sorry," I began, but as soon as I did, tears started to well in my eyes.

"Filling the boys locker room with shaving cream?! Where did you even come up with that?!" Her voice was getting louder.

"It wasn't my idea, I just he-elped because I thought it wo-uld be a funny prank on Vaughn and Ni-ick," I choked out, hiccupping through my now uncontrollable crying.  (I was horrible with confrontation.)

"You had to have realized you would get in trouble for doing something like that." dad chimed in.

"I did," I said meekly.

"Then why do it?" He pressed.

"I don't know,"

It was a lie, but I wasn't exactly going to tell him 'I did it to impress my boyfriend's cousin so that she maybe hates me less.'

"Who else was involved?" Mom asked with a stern tone.

"A couple girls on the soc-cer team," I hiccuped.

"Did any of them get suspended too?" She raised her eyebrow.

I shook my head, "Just me."

"Great. So, I get the delinquent. What makes them so special?" she snarled.

She stood up and began pacing.

"No, it's my fault! I took all the blame!" I quickly informed her, "If they got suspended, they would be kicked off the soccer team, but if I get suspended I'm unaffected!"

"Unaffected?!" she snaps, "This will go on your permanent record! How are you supposed to get into a good college with a black mark like this?! Your grades certainly won't do it! You have no special talent! You don't have any passion! How the hell did I end up with such an unmotivated daughter?! Doesn't have time to do her homework but she has time to deface school property and get suspended! I have never been more appalled by one of my children."

"Mom, I-..." I was speechless now.

I shouldn't have been surprised. I knew I was a disappointment to her - and I knew she was furious - but hearing her admit I was a lost cause hurt in a way I didn't expect.

"Your grounded for the next two months. You will spend next week with me at the church for volunteer work. Hopefully that will do something to remove this stain from your record." She said abruptly.

I nodded as more tears streamed down my face.

"Go to your room and do your god damn homework." She dismissed me.

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