Chapter 28

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Even though I had sobered up by the time I got home, I woke up with a crushing hangover. My head was throbbing, and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. It took me a moment to remember everything that had happened. The memory of Kendall's lips on mine came flooding back, causing my heart to ache.

I was woken up by my phone ringing. I picked it up off my nightstand and held it over my face. It was Nick. He was the last person I wanted to talk to, but knew I owed him an explanation.

"Hello," I said as I placed the phone to my ear.

"Babe, thank god. I was worried sick about you! Are you ok? What happened?" his voice was filled with worry. I felt a pang of guilt tug at my already upset stomach.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling good so Celeste drove me home. I think I had to much to drink." I let out a nervous laugh, "I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's ok. We were all just worried about you. You ran out of there so fast, and when we went to look for you none of us could find you." He said. His voice was a little lighter now, "Kendall and Reagan were so worried they had upset you."

I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice from giving me away, "Oh no, not at all. My nausea just had poor timing."

"That's good... I mean not good. Just –" he paused, trying to find the correct words, "I'm glad you aren't upset."

"Thanks. Are you ok? How was the rest of the party?" I asked. I really didn't care about what he did for the rest of the night, and I knew the kiss meant absolutely nothing to her, but I wanted to know if Kendall had any regrets.

"Well after we couldn't find you we all kinda split off. Zach and Kendall got into a fight over something and left. Reagan and Wesley left shortly after that. I stayed for a little bit, just in case you showed back up. Around one I finally went home as the house started to thin out."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night." I sighed.

"Its ok." He said quickly, "you really didn't ruin it. I had a lot of fun before all that happened."

I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Me too." I said, "anyways I have to go. I will talk to you later."

"Ok, have a good day. Love you." He said happily.

"Love you." The words felt like glass leaving my throat.

I hung up my phone and closed my eyes, resting my forearm over my face. My door creaked open, and I shot up.

"Are you alive in here?" Reagan whispered as she slowly walked into my room.

I couldn't stop the anger that was surfacing in my chest. Last night I was too upset to really realize how pissed I was at her. If it wasn't for her trying to mess with my emotions I wouldn't be in so much pain right now.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Easy there tiger." She giggled, ignoring my unpleasant tone, "I brought breakfast burritos to help with the hangover."

"I'm not hungry." I snapped.

I laid back down and yanked the covers over my head.

"Oh come on, V. you can't seriously be mad about last night." She said.

I felt the bed shift and knew she was sitting next to me.

"Why would you dare her to do that?" I demanded throwing the covers off of me.

I had to know if it was just dumb luck or deliberate.

"Well duh, because you like her." She said nonchalantly.

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