Chapter 37

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Christmas came quickly. Too quickly. I had absolutely no idea what to get Kendall for Christmas. Or Nick.

I wasn't planning on getting Nick anything, but I felt like it would be weird if I didn't get the guy I was pretending to date a present. Plus, I still felt guilty for everything that happened. Vaughn and I went to the mall the Saturday before Christmas in a last stitch effort to find presents for everyone on our list.

Typically, we split the cost of Tori's present. She was next to impossible to shop for. Whenever she wanted something our parents would just buy it for her, so she was never without something she needed. So, Vaughn and I decided eight years ago to just look for one thing and both chip in for it. Our parents were always easier to please. Mom had an insanely long 'to be read' list and Dad collected model cars. I could buy him a hot wheels and he'd be excited. I never did though. I splurged on the expensive ones that state, "THIS IS NOT A TOY" on the side of the boxes. This year I got him a 1967 Pontiac Firebird model. His favorite car.

After Vaughn and I knocked out our parent's gifts we convened in the food court to start our search for Tori's gift.

"You find anything for your girlfriend yet?" he asked casually as we passed an overly crowded Bath and Bodyworks.

"No, I have no idea what to get her." I sighed in defeat.

"Get her a soccer ball." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, "That's the lamest gift ever."

"She plays soccer doesn't she?"

"That's not the point. She has more interests then just Soccer."

"Whatever, I think you're just overthinking it."

I shook my head. I knew I was overthinking it, but I wasn't going to get her something as unthoughtful as a soccer ball.

Vaughn and I dipped into Hot Topic to check out what Harry Potter merch was on display. Tori was an undercover Potterhead, and, occasionally, we could find a t shirt or accessory she would like. This year they had Loungefly backpacks for each house. Tori was a Ravenclaw, and she was proud of it.

I picked up the royal blue bag and admired the attention to detail. Little gold ravens, quills, and quidditch posts were etched into the leather. I held it up to show Vaughn, "What about this?"

"Oh god," he grimaced, "She would love it."

"Why do you look so distraught about it?" I raised an amused eyebrow at him.

"Because its loungfly. Their expensive as hell."

"Which is why we split the cost,"

"Still, I hate spending so much on Tori. She's literally going to get us bags of candy." He rolled his eyes.

"Right, but she also leaves us alone for a while when we get her decent Christmas presents."

He let out a long sigh, "Fine."

Once we were checked out we split up again. Vaughn still had a couple friends to shop for, and I had a girlfriend, fake boyfriend, Vaughn, and Celeste to find presents for. Nick ended up being easier than I anticipated. I stopped in at the mall's GameStop and picked up a Call of Duty t-shirt for $15. It was cheap but not so cheap that it seemed like I didn't try.

I got Vaughn a new gym bag since his had been falling apart for the last two months. The zippers didn't work so he had been tying it shut with twist ties he stole from loafs of bread. Celeste was fairly easy to shop for as well. I bought her a tarot deck from the eclectic store next to the Hot Topic. After I told her about Kendall and I, she informed me she knew we'd end up together because her oracle told her. Ever since she's been practicing her tarot card readings with a deck she made out of construction paper.

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