Chapter 25

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A few weeks after homecoming was when the local pumpkin patches filled with corn mazes and haunted houses started up. When spooky season hit I turned into a basic ass bitch. I loved pumpkin spiced everything, fall festivals and all things horror as much as any other white girl with Ugg boots and a Starbucks addiction. Reagan and I always went all out in our costumes. And tried to hit up as many parties as possible.

Nick had invited me to go to a pumpkin patch with him, Kendall, Zach, his brother, Hunter, and their cousin, Jordan the weekend before halloween. I agreed and invited Celeste as well. I enjoyed hanging out with her and wanted someone there to take my mind off of Kendall for once. I invited Reagan too, but she had plans with Wesley for the weekend.

Nick picked me up around six. Jordan and Hunter were in the car when he arrived. They both greeted me as I hopped into Nick's truck.

"Hey babe," Nick grinned, leaning in to plant a kiss on my lips.

"Hey," I said after we parted. I turned slightly toward the back, waving to Hunter and Jordan, "Hey guys."

Hunter waved shyly while Jordan dropped her phone and threw her arms around me and the seat, "Ronnie! Oh my god I haven't seen you in forever! I can't believe you haven't dumped Nick's ass yet." She laughed.

"Hey, hurtful!" Nick whined, as he backed out of my driveway.

Jordan continued to hug me as she stuck her tongue out at Nick.

"What, it's not my fault you're lame." She teased.

We all laughed. Jordan reminded me of a little Kendall. Just a little more enthusiastic about life. Less defeated.

Focus Ronnie, tonight, no thinking about Kendall. After Kendall and I's fight I decided I needed to focus more on Nick. It was clear she would never feel the same for me as I did her. I could at least stay around her as long as I stayed with Nick.

I cleared my throat, reaching my hand across the console to stroke the back of Nick's neck, "Don't worry babe, your not that lame." The pet name felt weird leaving my tongue.

He glanced between me and the road with a smile, "Gee, thanks, babe."

"By the way, I invited Celeste too." I said, realizing I forgot to inform him I invited her.

"Who?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

"That girl from the party back in august. She helped me get Kendall to the car." I said, a bit quieter so the younger kids wouldn't hear.

"Oh right. I guess I didn't realize you still talked to her." he shrugged.

"Yeah she is pretty cool, so I figured I would invite her out with us."

"I would be careful, she might get the wrong idea." He joked.

"'What do you mean?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well, you know, she might think it's a date. Cuz she's gay and all." He said, trying to hide his discomfort.

"what does that have to do with anything?" I asked, getting ready to defend her.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't like, hate gay people or anything, I just think you should be careful so she doesn't get the wrong idea."

"Well, I'm not gay so I think we should be in the clear." I said trying to keep my temper calm.

"I didn't mean anything by it I promise," he said, quickly trying to get himself out of the hole he dug.

"It's fine." I grumbled.

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