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"Welcome, welcome!" Bilbo cheerfully spoke as the two Wizards made it inside of the hole. 

"Tea? or maybe something a little stronger? I've got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. 1296. Very good year. Almost as old as I am" Bilbo offered as he took Gandalf's hat and staff, setting the two things to the side.

He then chuckled at his own words and quickly ran further into his house "It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?"

"Just tea, thank you" Gandalf called after the Hobbit. The Grey Wizard looked twords Veryan, and when he saw the young wizard distracted he called out again "Veryan would like some tea too"

It was strange for Veryan. No matter how much times he told himself that Thorin practically lived with Bilbo, it still amazed him when he found thing's the Dwarven King has brought with himself. Every corner he looked at had something of Thorin's. The whole place had changed over time. For the better too.

A semi-loud yelp snapped Veryan out of his daydreaming. He quickly turned  around and saw Gandalf clutching his head. The Heterochromia male shook his head, and easily maneuvered his way out of the chandeliers way, remembering to kneel down when walking from room to room due to the low ceiling.

"I was expecting you two sometime next week. Not that it matters. You come and go as you please. Always have and always will. You two coughed me a bit unprepared. We've only got a cold chicken and a bit of pickle. There's some cheese, no. That won't do" 

As Bilbo rambled on whilst running through out his whole house Veryan decided to look around even further. He looked all over the walls, and then at Bilbo's table, where a lot of papers were scattered. One in particular grabbed his attention. The raven head went over to the table, and picked up a framed map. It's most prominent thing was the Lonely Mountain, right in the corner with a dragon flying above it. This made Veryan smile as he remembered his adventure with the Dwarves.

He placed the map back down, and with his hands clasped behind his back, he moved after where Gandalf has wondered off.

"Just tea, thank you. Veryan would like the same" he heard Gandalf tell to most likely Bilbo, who just now stopped his panic running all over the house.

Veryan peaked out from the corner and smiled down at Bilbo, making the elder smile back.

As Gandalf and Veryan took a seat at the small table Bilbo popped some of his sponge cake into his mouth. "You don't mind if I eat, do you?"

Veryan chuckled and shook his head. Gandalf quickly shook his head as well "No, not at all"

A sudden knock on the Hobbit's door made Bilbo slowly fall backwards into the wall. He pressed against it as he turned to whisper to the Wizard duo "I'm not at home!"

Gandalf and Veryan took a quick glance at one another as they watched Bilbo sneak his way to the window, checking to see who it was. "It's the Sackville-Bagginses"

"I know you're in there!" A female voice called from the outside, making Bilbo press into the corner he was hiding at even more. "They're after the house"

He turned around and quickly made his way to Gandalf and Veryan "They've never forgive me for living this long. I've got to get away from these confounded relatives, hanging on the bell all day never giving me a moment's peace. I want to see mountains again. Mountain's, you two!"

This perked Veryan's attention. He raised his eyebrow at the elder Hobbit as he continued "And then find somewhere quite where I can finish my book. Preferably with Thorin there by my side...Oh, tea"

Veryan hummed as he leaned forward to set his elbows onto the table. Gandalf turned the direction where Bilbo now stood. "So you mean to go through with your plan?"

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