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Veryan didn't think he'd sleep tonight. He really didn't. What he also didn't expect, was the walk they have set out on onto the evil road of the mountain. Aragorn rode in the front with Brego, Veryan road in the middle on Bathriel. Legolas and Gimli road on Arod together. Chattering of everyone around was clear in Veryan's ears, but he did not answer. None of them did. They just road in deeper, ignoring the confused people behind.

The road soon turned wider, and as the wider the road got the less claustrophobic Veryan felt. They didn't rest, they couldn't. Soon the night turned to day.

"What kind of army would linger in such a place?" Gimli decided to ask after so long of them staying silent.

"One that is cursed. Long ago, the Men of the Mountains swore an oath to the last King of Gondor to come to his aid to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge" Legolas explained to Gimli, keeping his voice low.

"Who shall call them from the grey twilight? The forgotten people. The heir of him to whom the oath they swore" the further Legolas spoke the more uneasy Veryan got. His hands gripped Bathriel's reigns harder, making the Mare lowly neigh. Veryan was quick to shush her, patting her neck. "From the north shall he come. Need shall drive him. He shall pass the door to the Paths of the Dead"


The road has once again began to narrow, and soon turn into a rocky hill they had to climb. They got off of their horses, and holding them by the reigns continued on foot. At the top of the small hill there was a narrow path, just barely fitting them and their horses through. On the right side of them were dead trees, the floor was scattered with dead leaves. And in front of them they saw the opening to the mountain.

"The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away" Gimli muttered as they finally stopped in front of the entrance.

"The way is shut" Legolas spoke aloud. It seemed to be covered in stone, that looked like it had been there for a while. "It was made by those who are dead. And the Dead keep it. The way is shut"

Just then, a loud exhalation came from right before them, being enough to scare the horses. The three horses jumped out of the hold the other's held on them. As Arod and Brego ran the other way, Bathriel neighed after them, turning to run after them seconds later. 

"Brego!" Aragorn called out to his horse, but the Stallion was long gone already. They all looked at one another, before Aragorn turned to the entrance, glaring. "I do not fear death"

With those words told, he confidently stepped into the mountain, disappearing in the dark. Legolas and Veryan looked at one another, grabbing each other's hand before quickly walking after Aragorn. 

"Well, this is a thing unheard-of. An Elf dare go underground where a Dwarf dare not? Oh, I'd never hear the end of it" with that little grumbling session out of the way, Gimli followed the groups lead, entering the mountain. 


Not long after being in the dark, Veryan used his magic to find themselves a light. He picked up the metal holder and lit it aflame, handing it over to Aragorn who was walking in the front. It wasn't long before they witnessed a trail of skulls, good thing they didn't decide to go that way.

"What is it? What do you see?" Gimli whispered to Legolas, seeing the man stop in front of the pile. This made Veryan turned back, looking at Legolas's form.

"I see shapes of men" he slowly spoke as he moved away from the pile, slowly moving after Aragorn. "And of horses"

"Where?" Gimli asked again, gripping his axe even tighter. Veryan gently placed his hand on Legolas's shoulder, guiding the almost out of it Elf. "Pale banners like shreds of cloud. Spears rise like winter-tickets through a shroud of mist. The Dead are following. They have been summoned"

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