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It wasn't really the easiest thing Veryan ever did, but this was surely better with his magic by his side. Whilst he swung his sword into the Orcs, with the other he easily blew them up, leaving bigger gaps around him, which only meant more enemy fire. The Ringwraiths soon came flying, screeching from their spot above them. Veryan could of killed them of, but he was already dealing with enough. Luckily, Gandalf's Gwaihir showed up just when they were needed the most.

Now that being plucked from the ground wasn't bothering Veryan, he focused more on killing the Orcs off, but swinging his sword back and forth was already tiring his poor arm. So, when the timing was right, he jumped over an Orc, catching the onyx black sword in his other hand mid jump before landing onto the Orc, the sword going straight into it's head. The Ringwraiths, because of the growing number of the Gwaihir, retreated back twords the mountain.

The longer Veryan used his magic both with and without his sword, he was feeling himself begin to drain. He was ready to let his magic rest, to fight with only his sword, but another bigger danger came up. The big guys. The ones towering over the croud. Those, were definitely not going to be an easy kill. And luckily for Veryan, three of those surrounded him. His magic could rest another time. 

As the first one struck Veryan jumped out of it's way and swung at the Orcs hand, slicing it clean off, making the Orc roar. Then using his magic Veryan propelled himself onto the Orc, prepared to fry it's brains, but the one from behind him grabbed him by the head, and with one swing flung him across the battlefield. Veryan landed on the ground with a hard thud, his sword flying from his grip. Veryan tried to get up to reach for his sword, but before he could one of those giants came back, and lifted him up by the head, only to smash him back onto the ground. 

Veryan coughed up blood, and rolled out of the way of one of them going for his head, prepared to step on it. He jutted his hand out, his sword flying into his hand. He then raised it up and drove it into the Orcs head, watching as the life quickly left the beast. He once again rolled out of the way as the giant fell. He jumped back to his feet, but almost instantly felt like collapsing. His body has taken the damage of the fall. And the two giants that he hadn't killed yet were coming for him. Veryan decided to let his magic be, feeling it fade away back inside of him to start repairing the damage as he got ready to fight the two Orcs head on.

With heavy breaths, Veryan raised his sword up, prepared to fight back, when the Orcs stopped in their way. They looked twords the Eye of Sauron, before turning the other way and running away. Veryan turned his body to look at Sauron. He could hear the screeching, and then he saw the tower he sat upon begin to crumble to the ground. The Eye began to get smaller and smaller, until it shrunk down and blew up. Veryan couldn't help the relieved laugh as he leaned onto his sword. 

The ground began to cave in on it self, braking under the feats of the Orc, yet leaving the Humans on solid ground. Everything that Sauron has commanded built for him fell. The volcano in front of them then blew up, quickly replacing their happy smiles and cheers, to frowns and teary eyes. Veryan couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. Even if his body was screaming at him to just fall down and sleep, he had to help. He dropped his sword, prepared to take off, if not for the strong arms around his waist.

He protested against Legolas's grip, trying to get out, before seeing the eagles fly from over head. He quickly broke out of Legolas's grip and jumped onto one of the eagles just as Gandalf did, the two of them, with the help of the eagles, flying to where Frodo and Sam should of been. They looked around for them, and felt relieved when they found them. The eagles quickly grabbed Frodo and Sam into their claws, and flew away from the still active volcano.


The sounds of bird chirping is what awoke Frodo up. He blinked his eyes open, and slowly sat up. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw the person before him.

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