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"Quietly now. It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence goes unnoticed" Gandalf quietly told the others, not wanting to draw any attention to himself, or the group behind him.

Upon making in further into the mines the Fellowship came across the many rocky bridges, some connecting to others. They reminded Veryan a lot of what he saw in Thranduil's castle, only this was much creepier. Less elegant. Less...homely. In no time whatsoever the group made their way through one of the paths and now had to walk along side the wall. 

Veryan let go of Legolas's hand, and chose to walk in front of him, being in between the Elven Prince and Gandalf.

"The wealth of Moria is not in gold or jewels, but mithril" Gandalf explained as he turned back to look at everyone. He leaned over the side and shone his staff down, showing them the rows upon rows of mithril in the stone walls. Veryan's magic now had no more use, so he tuned it in completely, letting Gandalf shine their way through the mines.

"Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him" Gandalf told them as he pulled his staff back and once again began to lead the group.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift" Gimli responded, sounding quite surprised. This made a small smile appear on Veryan's lips. "Oh you wouldn't know..." he mumbled under his breath so only Legolas and Gandalf heard him.

"I never told him but it's worth was greater than the value of the Shire" was Gandalf's last comment. After that point everyone just fell quite once again.

The long walk along the walls were soon replaced by climbing. They climbed up onto the side of the mountain, but there was a slight problem. Gandalf, the only one who knew his way around, didn't quite know of the place they now stood in front.


They didn't have any other choice beside settling down and waiting till Gandalf thought of something. Everyone either stood or sat in silence. 

Veryan himself was leaning against the same boulder Legolas was, everyone of them listening to Merry and Pippin talk. It was either their chatter, or the pure silence of the mines.

Frodo suddenly sprung out of his place, and without wasting much time fast walked to Gandalf. Although Veryan already knew what spooked the Baggins.


He could feel the extra presence. He could feel it like he did all those years ago whilst running past it. If it had to be put lightly, Veryan hated the creature. What once was a man now was a creature driven by the Ring. And he will not stop. Won't stop until he got the Ring back. And that is what feared Veryan. He never dealt with anything like Gollum. And he feared what might happen if the creature ever got anywhere close to Frodo.

Veryan could also see how Frodo struggled. It was certain that the Ring chose Frodo as his carrier, but it couldn't have been easy for the Baggins. From going to living a carefree life, to having to travel this far to save the world. It's quite a lot of pressure for such a young lad. Veryan even dared to say that this was harder on Frodo than it ever was on Bilbo. But he's been there. He saw just how much one man can do. And he wasn't willing to give up. He didn't give up on Bilbo, and he wouldn't on Frodo. 

A sudden jolt of Merry's body finally snapped Veryan back into the real world. The Hobbit got up, but stumbled dew to standing up too quickly. Veryan quickly moved and gripped onto Merry's shoulder's, steadying the Brandybuck. 

Merry looked up at him and blushed. "Be careful, alright?"

The Hobbit quickly nodded and placed his hand on top of Veryan's before moving it away. Legolas watched from the sidelines, glaring at the back of Merry's head as the Hobbit hurried after his friends. 

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