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"It's mine" Bilbo spoke under his breath, running his fingers over the golden Ring. "My own. My precious..."

Veryan gasped. "Precious? It's been called that before, but not by you"

Bilbo quickly turned around, snarling at the two Wizards. "What business is it of yours what I do with my own things?"

Gandalf followed where Bilbo went with his eyes, keeping a close eye on the Ring. "I think you've had that Ring quite long enough"

Bilbo raised his fist, and moved them as if he was fighting. "You want it for yourself!" 

"Bilbo Baggins!" the both Wizards shouted at the Hobbit. Bilbo backed away in terror as a deep aura surrounded Gandalf. "Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks. I am not trying to rob you"

Veryan looked between his mentor and old friend. He sighed and whilst one hand was still close to his dagger, the other touched Gandalf's shoulder, calming the Grey Wizard down in no time.

He looked at Veryan and nodded. A genuine look of concern placed itself in his eyes as he looked back at Bilbo. "I'm trying to help you"

Out of fear, Bilbo muttered something incoherent and all but collapsed in Gandalf's hold. Veryan sighed and lifted his hand away from his dagger, instead placing in on Bilbo's shoulder, trying to comfort the Hobbit.

Gandalf slowly kneeled down to Bilbo's height ."All your long years, we've been friends. Trust us as you once did. Let it go"

Bilbo's eyes trailed from Gandalf's to Veryan's. He nodded. "You're right, Gandalf. The Ring must go to Frodo" 

He quickly moved away from Gandalf to his table where his backpack laid. "It's late. The road is long. Yes, it is time"

Gandalf and Veryan watched as Bilbo walked to his front door. He quickly breathed out and opened it up, about to step out.

"Bilbo" Gandalf called after the Hobbit. 

"Hm?" Bilbo replied, turning to look as the two Wizards moved in closer to him.

Veryan once again crossed his arms. "The Ring is still in your pocket"

"Ah. Yes...". He pulled the ring out of his pocket, and just starred at it. Veryan clutched his hands around his biceps, hoping for Bilbo to let go of the Ring. 

Not long after his wish Bilbo tilted his hand sideways, and let the Ring drop from where it lay on his palm. It hit the ground with a thump.

With that done the Baggins finally stepped out of his Hobbit hole, followed by Gandalf and Veryan. The two of them stopped right behind Bilbo. The Hobbit in front of them nodded. "I've thought up an ending for my book" he turned to his old friends, smiling " 'And he lived happily ever after to the end of his days' "

Veryan and Gandalf kneeled down to his height. Veryan smiled at Bilbo. "And we are sure you will, dear friend"

Bilbo grabbed each of their hands with one of his. "Goodbye, Gandalf. Goodbye, Veryan"

They gripped his hands even tighter. Gandalf, with tears starting to form at the edge of his eyes, nodded. "Goodbye, dear Bilbo"

Bilbo smiled one last time at the two of them, before he turned around and started his trek to only he knows where.

Gandalf and Veryan stood up from their kneeling positions and just watched the Baggins walk away.

When Bilbo was no more in their sights, having disappeared into the horizon, the two Wizards returned back to the Hobbit hole. Veryan stayed weary of the ring, choosing to stay by the door as Gandalf went to pick it up.

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