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The group of four made their way deeper and deeper into the woods. It took a bit of time for them to see any indication of where Pippin and Merry went, but when they did they quickly followed after the footprints.

"Orcs blood" Gimli told them as he spat the liquid out of his mouth, having tasted it just to be sure of who's it was.

The ground was very uneven, tree roots having breached the ground, so they had to move fast and carefully. Aragorn knelt down, his hand running along the ground where imprints could be seen. "These are strange tracks"

"The air is so close in here" Gimli exclaimed as he walked up to the three man party.

"This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory, and anger" Legolas explained, his eyes wandering around the woods, every tree seemingly looking different to him.

A groan, which could only be made by the trees surrounding them, emanated all around them. This made Gimli raise his axe up, he himself getting into a defensive pose. Veryan smiled all around himself, his eyes full of wonder. "The trees. They are speaking to each other"

The trees groaned louder, which made Aragorn look back. What he saw was a Dwarf swinging his axe all around. "Gimli. Lower your axe" he whispered, motioning with his hand to the ground.

Gimli's firm grip slowly started to loosen, his axe sliding in his hand as he parted them, slowly moving one of his arms in the air.

"They have feelings, my friend" Legolas told Gimli, finally making the Dwarf lower his axe. With this Legolas continued. "The Elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak"

"Talking trees" Gimli asked, his eyebrows high up on his forehead. "What do trees have to talk about? Hmm? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings"

A low snort came out of Veryan, but as soon as Gimli and Legolas turned their heads his way he turned around, whistling as if nothing ever happened. A small, but genuine smile placed itself on Legolas's face as he looked away, Gimli doing the same. When Veryan felt like they weren't looking at him anymore he stopped whistling, not wanting to disturb the tress more than they have already been.

That smile of Legolas's soon was replaced with a tight-lipped scowl. He moved in front of everyone, passing Aragorn as he spoke "Somethings out there"

Veryan and Gimli threw a glance at one another, before slowly approaching the other too. "What do you see?" they heard Aragorn whispering to Legolas.

"The White Wizard approaches" Legolas whispered back, looking back at everyone. They all took glances at each other.

Aragorn turned back to Legolas, his eyes displaying caution. "Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us"

Everyone's weapons were drawn. Gimli pulled his axe closer to himself. Aragorn slowly pulled his sword out of its sheath. Veryan did the same, his magic surrounding the midnight black sword with a light purple tint. And Legolas's bow was already at the ready, his arrow in place.

"We must be quick" Aragorn told them, his voice no louder than above a whisper, trying to hear where the Wizard was coming from.

A loud rumbling started to be heard, and they quickly turned it's way. Gimli threw his axe at the light, but it shattered. Legolas shot his arrow, but it was deflected without problem. Veryan shot his hand out, his magic seemingly wrapping around the figure, but it soon backfired on him and his magic was shot back at him. Good thing he was just in time to block it from hitting him square in the face. Aragorn's blade began to heat up. He had to drop it for it was getting too hot to hold.

Now they could only stand in front of the White Wizard, their weapons useless against him. "You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits"

"Where are they?" Aragorn asked, his hand covering his face from the bright light emanating from the figure.

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