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They pushed away the small green tree's as they ran, Merry and Pippin slipping and falling to the ground.

"What was that?" Merry called out to Frodo, but he couldn't answer. He only looked down at his opened hand, seeing the Ring laying there.

Veryan looked between the Ring and the Hobbit, feeling concern bubble up deep inside of him.


Night soon came, and the black night came back. Veryan couldn't tell for how much they were running, just knew the fact that they ran, stopped to check if anything was there, then ran again.

Finally, when Sam and Frodo alike saw that there was nothing surrounding them, they stopped. An out of breath Pippin walked up to Frodo. "What is going on?"

Merry walked to stand beside Pippin "That Black Rider was looking for something. Or someone" he walked up to the Hobbit "Frodo?"

Frodo however didn't have time to answer the question, as Pippin shouted for them to get down. When they got down they watched the knight stop just a couple of feet in front of them. It looked around, and when it couldn't spot them it walked away.

"I need to leave the Shire. Veryan, Sam and I must get to Bree" Frodo whispered to everyone around him.

Merry nodded "Right. Buckleburry Ferry. Follow me"

Veryan groaned as everyone hurried to get up. There goes the idea of a small party.


Merry lead the way for the others. They've just about begun running when the Black Night jumped out in front of them. Veryan quickly moved to the front, pulling out his blade in the process. As the night swung at his head he ducked and jutted the blade at the knight, stabbing him right into the side.

He glanced at the Hobbits, and when he deemed them far enough he pulled his blade out of the knight, and whilst he ran after the Hobbits he retracted the blades.

They jumped over a fence, and stopped on a small dock. But Veryan stopped. He saw everyone in front of himself. Everyone, but Frodo.

He turned around and saw the Hobbit running away from the Black Knight. Veryan glared at the figure. But instead of grabbing his weapon he grabbed onto his black dagger. 

He positioned his hand above his head, waiting for the right moment to throw. He gripped the blade tighter as Frodo ran closer and closer. Finally when he was just a foot away from him, Veryan threw the knife at the Knight, hitting it dead on. 

The horse didn't completely stop, but it did make the rider lose some of his grip on the rains, going to clutch his head where a dagger now rested.

With that little victory under his belt Veryan turned around to run after Frodo. The two of them jumped off of the dock, and onto the little raft the other three Hobbits managed to find. 

Veryan kneeled down to the brown haired Hobbit, the man heaving in breaths. He then turned to the Knight, who looked to be just fine, his dagger still in his forehead.

Veryan did loose his favorite dagger, but he sure was glad everyone was okay.

"How far to the nearest crossing?" Frodo asked as he stood up by the help of Sam, Veryan deciding to stay on the ground so he wouldn't shake the raft too much dew to him being bigger.

"The Brandywine Bridge. 20 miles" Merry answered as he steered the raft.

All of them watched as the Knight turned around, meeting up with the other's to run along the dirtied path.

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