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It wasn't long before the Knight's reached them. They reached for their swords, and pulled them out. Veryan spun his blade in his hand before pointing it at one of the Knight's. 

As the Knight's stalked closer to the Hobbits started to move backwards, but Veryan didn't move. There was in total of five of them. The Hobbits looked between Veryan and the Knight's.

When the Knight's were only but a foot away Veryan finally struck, making all of the five Knight's attack him. At first he tried to avoid their hits and kill them with only his blade, but it was like they didn't feel pain. They just kept coming, not caring where they got stabbed. 

Veryan huffed. He gripped his blade in the right arm as his eyes glew purple, making the Knight's stop only if for a second. He raised his hand and shot at one of them, making it fly back. But now he was surrounded. He tried to swing and fire his magic at them, but everytime his magic almost hit one of them they moved, which was close to impossible.

Veryan had finally met his match. One of the Knight's grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. They gripped his blade and ripped it out of his hands, making one of the blades slice through his palm, making him hiss. He thought he was going to be stabbed, but the Knight only gripped his neck harder and threw him against a pillar. His back painfully hit the stone pillar, making him yelp out in pain.

"Back, you devils!" Sam shouted as the five Knight's came close to them. He hit his sword against one of them, but they just easily picked him up and threw him away.

Pippin and Merry stepped in front of Frodo, weapons raised, but they didn't even get to do anything as they got shoved to the ground. 

Now there was only Frodo left. Veryan watched as the Hobbit dropped his sword and then fell backwards. The two toned male groaned, and slowly pushed himself to sit. But just as he stood up he heard a puff. He looked Frodo's direction and saw a black space where Frodo used to be. He put on the ring. 

Veryan quickly searched for his weapon, and when he found it he wasted no time in running to pick it up. He grabbed onto it and ran to where the Knight's stood, but he had to stop when Strider came running with a torch in his hand. He swung the fire around successfully making the Knight's back off. Veryan too decided to help, so he found an old piece of wood and sparked it, lighting it aflame.

Whilst the two were fighting and warding them away, even lighting some aflame, Frodo finally took of his ring and shouted in pain, making the Hobbits quickly run to his side.

Veryan looked Frodo's way, and saw red on his left shoulder. A screech from one of the Knight's made him turn around, and before Strider could finish him of, the magic user threw the torch he had straight into it's face, making it screech in pain. It didn't take long for the Knight to jump off of the watch tower too.

"Veryan! Strider!" Sam shouted for them, making them quickly turn his way. They ran up to the four Hobbits and kneeled down. "Help him, you two"

Strider picked up a sword laying at Frodo's side. "He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade" he told them just as the blade faded away, leaving only the handle.

Veryan leaned twords Bilbo and took him in his arms. "This is beyond Strider's or mine healing levels. He needs Elvish medicine"


With Frodo in Veryan's arms, Strider was left to carry a torch and lead the way, the Hobbits having to follow.

"We're six days from Rivendell! He'll never make it! Veryan, can't you carry him there?" Sam shouted, panic clearly lacing his voice.

"I couldn't even if I tried Sam! I'm afraid I could drop Frodo! If he was conscious however, that would be more possible!" Veryan shouted back to Sam, making sure he didn't trip on any raised root.

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