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They walked past acres upon acres of grass, coming across a house or two. Walked past a small waterfall and plains, having a forest right off to it's side.

Now they were walking through a small wheat farm, when Sam stopped right beside's a scare crow. Frodo and Veryan stopped, turning around to look at Sam, confused.

"This is it"

Frodo glanced up at Veryan, seeing if the other knew what Sam was talking about, but the other gently shook his head. Frodo once again looked at Sam "This is what?"

Sam could be seen moving just a tad bit back. "If I take one more step it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been"

Veryan smiled down at the Hobbit. Frodo walked up to his best friend. "Come on, Sam"

The blond Hobbit seemed to consider it. He looked up at Veryan, and the male gave him the warmest smile he could, holding up a thumbs-up. With Veryan looking so sure, and Frodo by his side smiling, Sam took a big step forward, marking the furthest he has been from home.

Frodo patted his back, still smiling, and the two walked back to Veryan, starting to walk again.

Frodo looked at Sam. "Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo. Going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to"


The sun was slowly but surely disappearing beyond the horizon, so the three of them decided to set up camp.

Frodo took to lying on one of the lower tree branches, a pipe in his lips, arms behind his head. Sam was sitting by a fire, cooking them some dinner, also a pipe in his mouth. And Veryan was sat against the tree Frodo laid on, a blank stare on his face as he looked at the flame's of the small fire. Silence between the three of them.

A gentle melody cought Frodo's attention. He sat up, and took the pipe out of his mouth. He looked down at where Veryan and Sam were. "Hey Sam, Veryan"

The two of them look up at Frodo, who was smiling. "Wood-elves"

Veryan chuckled and watched as Sam and Frodo quickly jumped to their feet. With quiet steps they walked twords the sound, leaving Veryan sitting in his place.

He heard that melody plenty of time's before. In fact, almost too often. Gandalf agreed for him to come back to learn magic back at Rivendell. Said he would learn far quicker if he was around familiar scenery. And he was right of course, when wasn't he? With Lord Elrond spending time with him, Arwen (his daughter) becoming one of his best friend's and the people of Rivendell being as nice as ever, learning to control his magic was like a piece of sponge cake. Of course in that time he missed a couple of people. Mainly Mirani and Legolas. 

Legolas for the obvious reason's of just getting into a relationship, wanting to spend more time with your loved one. But Mirani...

He hadn't seen his dear sister in quite some time. He didn't know how she was. Didn't know how things were doing. He did see her once when she came to deliver a message from Thranduil, but that time she was so quick to go, Veryan didn't really have a chance to even say hi. She just arrived, and went. It is sad to think that their close bond could be no more, but he believed he would see her again. And he just hoped she missed him just as much as he did.


"Everywhere I lie there's a dirty great root sticking into my back" Sam once again complained as he moved in bis bed-roll.

Veryan slightly opened his eye to look at Sam, lowly chuckling so he wouldn't hear. The Heterochromia male was leaned against the tree. He knew this wasn't the best position to sleep in, but it that position he could stand up in a heartbeat if someone was attacking them. His sleeping schedule was slowly getting better. Now he could actually sleep during these sort of situation's, he was still uneasy however.

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