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Veryan gasped for breath as he rolled out of the way. Aragorn was the one that collided with the Orcs body. Veryan quickly stood up, prepared to help Aragorn out. He picked his sword up and swung for the Orc, but it has seen him coming, and with one well placed swing at his abdomen sent Veryan's light body flying into a near by tree. His back collided with it, and he let out a wheeze, air being knocked out of his already weak lungs. 

He began to steady his breathing, using the tree as leverage for him to stand even though his body was screaming at him not to. Aragorn held his own against the Orc pretty well, giving Veryan the time to stumble his way to the dying Boromir.

He all but fell to the Human's side as a yelp left his mouth, his sides hurting like hell. He breathed in and out before placing his hands on both of the arrows, pulling them out.

Boromir yelped, but all in all stayed silent. Veryan threw the arrows aside and placed both of his hands on the wounds, beginning to chant. He felt as his magic slowly left his body, making his vision blur and his wounds burn even more. 

Boromir's breathing started to even out, and he could now fully open his eyes. He took in a breath and looked up at Veryan, immediately concern filling his eyes. 

"Veryan, what are you doing?!" he shouted as he grabbed both of the Wizard's wrist, trying to pull them away.

But Veryan held a firm grip on the others chest. "Im healing...you. What does...it...look like"

"You will die, you stupid!" Boromir shouted, finally having the strength to pull Veryan's hands away. 

Veryan shook his head, and tried to force his hands back on Boromir's chest, but he had no more strength to fight against the now stronger male. "So will you if I don't help"

Boromir's eyebrows knitted together. He had already felt his strength going away. "Veryan, listen to me." Begrudgingly the two toned male did look into Boromir's eyes, signaling to him that he was indeed listening. "You are the one this group needs. You are the one that can help out. My...time has already come. And...I wish for nothing more, than...to see you alive and well"

Veryan began to shake his head, his blurred vision begging to clear. "It sounds like you have feelings for me" he joked, but the serious look on Boromir's face kind of told him that he did. Suddenly everything began to make sense to Veryan. Every time Boromir side glanced him, he confused it for being out of hate, when really Boromir was just looking at him because he liked him. Every time Boromir's gaze softened upon seeing him. It was sad, because the male knew Veryan would never be his, for his heart had already been captured by the Elven Prince.

The young Wizard sighed. "Boromir, you know I-" Veryan suddenly stopped himself as Boromir's hand grabbed his. Boromir mustered out a smile, even if it was pained dew to him feeling the effect of his wounds again. "I know. But please, save up your energy to survive. There is still someone that would hurt dearly to see you go. And please...forgive me"

Veryan's eyes began to water, but now he no longer struggled. His eyes returned to their normal black and blue and the Wizard pulled his hands back from Boromir's chest. "I forgive you, Boromir" Veryan whispered just as Aragorn came running.

Veryan lowered his head as his magic began to do it's work, but his vision still blurred. Clearly he had lost enough blood for the healing factor to take longer to heal him. As Aragorn dropped to his knees in front of Boromir the male spoke. "They took the little ones"

Aragorn shook his head. "Hold still"

"Frodo. Where is Frodo?" He asked Aragorn, not caring about keeping still as the other wanted him to.

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