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"Their pace has quickened. They must have cought our sent" was what Aragorn told the rest. He was laying down on the rocky ground, listening to the rumbling from the Orcs they were following.

It took some time for the group to finally catch up to them, a couple of days to be exact. They were all too glad when they could hear the Orcs moving about, but it was unfortunate that they couldn't confirm where the sound was coming from.

"Hurry!" Aragorn called out of them, quickly getting off of the ground and taking off. 

Veryan didn't waste a second longer, taking off right when Aragorn did. Legolas turned to run after him, but not before turning back to call out to the Dwarf. "Come on, Gimli!"

The poor Dwarf stopped in his way, leaning onto his axe for support. "Three days and nights pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry, but what bare rock can tell"

With heavy breaths Gimli picked himself and his axe back up and hurried after the other three. They were running for three days straight now, and they weren't going to stop anytime soon. Not when Merry and Pippin are in the hands of the Orcs. The road they ran wasn't straight, but rather very rocky and covered in piles and piles of sand.


Finally it looked like they could stop for just a bit. They've stopped just on the road between huge boulders, the grass beneath them looking like it's been trampled by a huge mass.

Aragorn knelt down and picked something from the grass. Veryan walked up closer to him, and could see that it was the broach they've been giving along side their cloaks. 

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall" Aragorn spoke to Veryan, showing him the broach.

Veryan nodded. "It isn't, but they may yet be alive"

That is when Legolas walked up to them, his bow in hand. "Less than a day in front of us"

This time Aragorn was the one to nod. "Come" he told the two, taking off once again, Legolas following right behind him.

Before Veryan could follow them, however, Gimli tumbled down the rocky hill. Legolas turned back, still running "Come, Gimli! Veryan! We're gaining on them!"

With a bit of Veryan's magic, the raven head helped the Dwarf stand, and ran after the other two, Gimli following to the best of his abilities. "I'm wasted on cross-country. We Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances"

They've made it a bit further, and stopped on some rocky terrain, looking forth at the land in front of them. 

Aragorn squinted his eyes at the view. "Rohan. Home of the Horse-lords. There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets it will against us"

As Aragorn and Gimli moved just a bit closer Legolas ran further away from them, Veryan following him. 

"Legolas! What do your Elf-eyes see?" Aragorn had shouted from his position. Veryan knelt down on the rock he and Legolas were standing on, his hands glowing purple as he set them on the ground. He had learned long ago how to listen on even the quietest of sounds, yet, not at this extent.

"The Uruks turn northeast. They are taking the Hobbits to Isengard" Legolas called back, his eyes shooting open. 

Veryan sighed and raised up, he couldn't hear anything out of place. Either the Uruks were keeping quiet, or he was just not yet skilled to hear that far.

"Saruman" Aragorn mumbled under his breath, and uneasy look placing itself onto his face.


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