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It wasn't long before the hoards of Orcs were defeated, the dead outnumbering them by a lot. Everything calmed down, letting Veryan land back onto the ground, catching his breath. He rested his hand on his aching side, walking to Gimli's side as Aragorn stood before the dead army.

"Release us" the King demanded. Aragorn took in a deep breath. "Bad idea" Gimli cut in before the man could speak "Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead"

Veryan choose to use his magic to knock the Dwarf down, hearing Gimli's mouth being filled with the dead grass below. He was far more irritating that Thorin could ever be, and that man had the dragon's sickness.

"You gave us your word" the King turned to look from the Dwarf on the ground to the man in front of himself, starting to look mad.

"I hold your oath fulfilled. Go, be at peace" Aragorn told the King, seeing the dead man begin to smile. The wind began to whistle once again, the dead men before them disappearing into the unknown, at peace for once.

That is also when Gimli pushed himself off of the floor, spitting out the wheat in his mouth. He pointed his axe up at the younger Wizard. "I'd have your head if you weren't a friend!"

Veryan gasped, placing his hand on top of his heart "I am most pleased to hear that, Master Dwarf"

Gimli grunted, lowering his axe, spitting out the last pieces of grass he felt on the tip of his tounge. Aragorn slowly turned around, smiling at Gandalf, the older having walked up to them with Pippin. Veryan turned around, and felt his heart relax upon the sight of the two safe men. As Legolas made it to the group himself the raven head made his way to Gandalf, pulling the older into a tight hug, hearing the White Wizard chuckle. He then let go and bent down to hug Pippin, the Hobbit hugging him back just as hard.

Their happy reunion was spars however. All around them lay dead men. Men, who have given their life's for the greater good. Veryan's breath hitched as he saw Eomer kneel down by Eowyn's passed out form, the girl having looked paler than usual. Even if Veryan couldn't save the dead, he could still try and heal the ones still alive.


Veryan went around, seeing who needed his help the most, and the last one he went to was Eowyn. He sat by her body, Eomer on her other side, watching his every move. The girl was clearly alive, just resting, which was a relief for Veryan. His magic moved all around her, healing her from the inside. He's just begun to move onto the outside wounds, when Aragorn came up to them. He stopped whatever he was doing, and decided to let Aragorn take his place.

Eowyn awoke moments later, smiling up at Aragorn who visibly let his body relax. She then passed out again, and Aragorn was all too happy to carry her to her sleeping quarters. Veryan bid the two men goodnight, and went to his own room, a room he shared with Legolas. Legolas was no where in the room however, so he just decided to head to bed by his own. He took of his armor, leaving himself in nothing but his shirt and underwear. He slipped into the bed, feeling himself sink into the comfy mattress. Before he could completely fall asleep, he felt the bed behind him dip, and strong arms rap around his waist before his eyes closed and his mind rested for the night.


It was now the next day. Veryan wore the same clothes Gondor had given him, having found them cleaned and dried on the chair next to the bed. The group now stood in the throne room.

"Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deeping" Gandalf told them, his form slowly walking back and forth, hands held behind his back.

"If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it" Aragorn replied to the pacing Wizard, his tone calm and even.

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