Chapter 1

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Sarah POV

Beep Beep Beep 

Reaching for my phone, I swipe the screen silence, sweet silence.
Sitting in bed, I try rubbing the tired out of my eyes.  In the bathroom, I turn on the shower and brush my teeth, when the water is nice and hot hot i step in.
The hot water feels so good hitting my skin, washing my hair and body with my favourite vanilla scrub. Wrapping myself in a warm fluffy towel, i stepped out the bathroom steam, followed me. Going to my underwear draw, i pick out a red matching set.
Standing in front of my overflowing wardrobe.
Anna's my friend and housemate come walking in, eating her cereal and sitting on my bed. Anna is thin she can eat anything and never put on weight. I, on the other hand, only look at food and put on weight. We have been friends forever, and she has helped me become the woman I am today.

I pull out a white knee-length skirt and white top with a red cardigan

"What do you think?"

"I like it,"

I'm picking out a pair of red shoes, then walking over to my dresser and doing my hair and curls today. I think then apply some makeup.

"You look beautiful," Anna says

"Thank you, sweetie." I walk over to Anna and give her a hug and mess her tidy hair up.

"It's a good job. I  love you, Sarah!"

"Love you to bestie!", In kitchen i do my breakfast cereal with banana yum.
Anna comes into the kitchen after breakfast, and we  get ready to go to  work.
I work in a plus-size clothing store with my friends Mary , Anna works across the street in a bakery it's great we get to see each other, and I get a nice treat every day.

"So, do you want to go out tonight?" I ask

"Sure where?"

"There is a new bar opened called Halo."

"We are so there!" Anna says

"Great. You ask Janet I'll ask Mary,"

"Sounds like a plan," Anna smiles

we arrive at work time to part ways.

"See you later,"

"Bye," we hug .  walking into wo, k Mary is there.

"Hi Mary,"

"Hi Sarah,"

"Myself ,Anna and Janet are going to that new club tonight. Halo, you wanna come?"


"Please come with us it would mean a lot to me." I give her my sad face.

"OK," Mary laughs. Mary is a bit shy and sometimes needs to be pushed she is also plus size and has little confidence. I'm hoping to change that she is a beautiful woman.
We work on putting the new clothes out and picking up clothes that people drop on the floor, why they cant put them back on the hangers? is beyond me. Walking around the shop i take a duster with me there are a few customers in the shop. I keep an eye out in case they need help. One lady catches my eyes. I walk over.

"Hell,  my name is Sarah. Can I help you?"

"Yes , please. I'm not sure about this top . Do you think it will go with these trousers?"

"Can i ask what the occasion is?"

"It's a family barbecue,"

"May i make a suggestion?"

"Please do." i grab a bright pink light blouse a white tank top

"Here you go try these on with the trousers,"

"Thank you, i will."

I hear the bell over the door, and some slim ladies come in they go over to Mary. I start dusting again but keep my eye on Mary, and I'm in a listening range.

"Do you work here?"

"Yes, I do. How may I help you?" Mary says

"Do you have anything in my size? I'm a size 8"

"No, sorry, we don't. This is a plus-size shop, " Mary replies

"So this is a fat shop." I can see Mary's cheeks go red, and I'm pissed

"No, this is a plus-size shop," Mary says

The woman picks up a dress

"Look at this it looks like a tent. Is this your size?" I slam the dusting cloth on the table, making everyone look at me . walking over to where Mary is.

"Do not speak to the staff like that show some respect!"

"I'll talk to her. However, I want you, fat cow." her friends laugh

"No, you won't not in here now get out,"

"What are you going to do about it, fatty?"

"I'll tell you what fatty is going to do about it shall I?, fatty is going to ask you to leave and if you don't fatty is going to stick my fat foot up your arse and kick you out the door".
I look at her friends "there's enough fat for all off you ,may I suggest you get out cause we may be fat but you are just plain fucking ugly".

"How dare you where's the manager?" I look at Mary

"This BEAUTIFUL woman is the owner dipshit now get out" I move forward they move back

"Come on girls let's go" As they make there way out the shop I see Anna coming in.

"I wouldn't go in there" the woman says to Anna

"Why not?"

"It's a fat bitches shop" her friend laugh

"Looks like the bitches are leaving the shop" the woman's friends stop laughing "Fuck off and don't let me see you here again". They walk away as fast as there legs can carry them. I turn around in the shop and the customers start to clap.

"Why thank you" i laugh and they all burst out laughing I see the woman I helped earlier.

"Be with you in a minute, Anna." I walk up to the woman. "What do you think?"

"I wanted to ask your opinion." The trousers are white. The tank top is white, and the blouse is pink and long.

"I think you look lovely stylish but cool at the same time,"

"Just what i was looking for,"

"Great, let's get a second opinion. Mary, " I call she comes over. "What do you think of this outfit?"

"You look wonderful cool comfortable" 

"Thank you. I'll take it." She pays for her items, then leaves. I help two more customers, and then we are free.
Mary puts the back in an hour sign up, and we all go in the back to have lunch.

"What have you brought us?" Anna rolls her eyes

"Here," she puts the bag on the table

"Iced ring doughnuts my fav," Mary and Anna laugh

"I asked Janet about tonight she is coming, are you coming, Mary?" Anna asks

"Yes, I'll be there,"


The hour goes fast, and it's time to open again. Anna gets up

"I'll see you ladies later, and Sarah try to behave," she laughs.

The rest of the afternoon goes well at four o'clock it's time to close after we shut up shop. I kiss Mary on the cheek and tell her I'll see her later. I make my way over to Anna, and we make our way home.

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