chapter 10

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Sarah POV
I'm having the most wonderful dream I'm tingling below I moan, opening my eyes looking down I see Darren between my thighs I put my hands in his hair grinding my pussy on his face. I cum calling out his name, closing my eyes I didn't notice Darren move up the bed till I felt his cock at my entrance. Opening my eyes to find myself looking into his when he slams into me, leaning down he kisses me I can taste myself on his lips, I kiss him back hungrily as he pounds his way to his release inside me, I break the kiss having another orgasm, he finds his own release, then he collapses on me and I hold him.

"Morning baby."

"Morning honey,"


"Yes honey," I laugh, he cups my cheek

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel good. Thank you for the amazing wake-up."

"The pleasure was all mine." I slap his shoulder.

"Can you stay with me today?" Darren says

"I wish I could, but I have plans with Anna,"

"Can't you cancel?"

"No, I can't. She booked this week off to be with me. we have plans. Don't be difficult. "

"Ok, fine." He slips out of me and goes to the bathroom. I can hear the shower turn on, I hope he is not going to sulk after the amazing night we had he can't have everything his own way all the time. I'm lying here. I'm starting to get more pissed he knows my friends mean a lot to me.
I slip out of bed, go to the bathroom, clean myself with a cloth, and take a shower at home right now. I want to get out. once I have cleaned up, I grab my dress, slip it on, and put my panties and other underwear in my bag. I walk out the door, closing it quietly. It must be my lucky day. I see a taxi coming and stick my hand out it pulls over. I get in, give my address, and I'm on my way home.

I open the door. "Sarah?"

"Yes, it's me." she comes running in

"Did you do it?" That's my Anna, always straight to the point.

"Look, I'm going to take a bath, and I'll tell you all about it." Walking into my bedroom, I take the dress off and hang it up. walking to the bathroom I decide to take a shower instead, letting the warm water wash over me I feel fresh and awake, making my way back to my bedroom I grab some blue jeans and a red top my underwear is red matching set I get dressed and walk to the kitchen. I see Anna on the porch swing. I make myself a coffee and head outside.

"Hey," Anna says

"Hey," I sit there and tell Anna some of what happened

"He gives you amazing sex then acts cold cause we had plans? so you're not seeing him again, right?" Anna says

"I am going to keep seeing him, I don't cancel my plans with my friends, no scrap that you girls aren't just my friends your like my sisters" my phone goes off and I turn it off.

"I don't like him!" Anna says

"I know that already, and I don't know why you are ready to tell me?" She turns away from me.

"Do you still want to do the picnic today or miss it?" Anna asks

"You did not just ask me that, did you?"

"No," Anna says

"Good, let's go." We get up, get the picnic ready just as we finish putting the food and drinks in the basket the door goes. Anna looks at me I don't look back just carry on Anna leaves the kitchen and two minuets later comes back with no other than Darren I carry on doing what I'm doing, arms come around my waist I walk out of them going to the sink to wash my hands.

"Baby," No answer "Sarah" he sighs

"What, Darren?"

"I'm sorry," Darren says

"I'll leave you to it!" Anna says

"Ok," Darren says

"Look here, Darren. I will only say this once ,when I make plans with my friends, I will not break them for you just like I wouldn't break plans if I had them with you. You acted like a fucking child this morning sulking cause you didn't get your own way, if you think I'm putting up with that or you want some one who will fall at your feet and do everything that you say boy have you got the wrong woman". I turn around and carry on, making sure I have everything

"Look, I'm sorry for acting stupid this morning ok" Darren says. I turn around and see him standing there with his hands in his pockets

"Ok ok no it's not ok, Darren! have you even been listening to me?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to spend the day with you after last night. I wanted it to continue to get to know each other better. Is that so bad?"

"No, Darren, it's not, but the way you acted when you didn't get your way is"

"Ok I fucked up I'm sorry can we move on?"

"Sure I've said my piece."

"How about you and all your friends come to halo tonight on me" Darren says

"Darren we will be there tonight now if you don't mind I have plans with Anna." He walks up to me and goes to kiss me on lips I turn my cheek to him, he sighs but kisses my cheek as he moves back I grab his face and kiss his lips, he smiles at me.

"Bye, baby Darren says

"Bye," i reply, and we hear the door close.

"Dickhead gone" Anna snaps

"Anna for the love of god don't talk about him like that I wouldn't let him talk crap about you"


"I don't want to talk to you about Darren anymore! come on let's go".

Making sure we have everything we head out. Once in the park it's like a calm comes over me and we find a spot under the tree facing the water the sun is shining I grab my sunglasses and pop then on, we take the blanket and spread it out it's wonderful day and I intend to enjoy it me and Anna sit down.

"It's a beautiful day"

"It is we picked the right day for a picnic" I say "so tell me how did it go with Alan last night?"

"It was really good I'm seeing him again we danced, then grabbed a kebab and went back to ours and fucked and I was not disappointed" she fans her face.

"Well, it looks like our nights were more the same." I laughed, and I looked at Anna, who looked sad, I didn't know what was going on with. Anna and I can't help until she tells me. we sit there eating. I lie back, enjoying the sun. After a while, I feel like reading, I open my eyes to find Anna staring at me. "You ok do I have something on my face?"

"Nothing is wrong," she turns her head away. I grab my book and start reading.

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