Chapter 2

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Sarah POV

We arrive home and head straight into the kitchen, kicking off my shoes. I wiggle my toes, and I start looking for something to have for dinner.

"What do you fancy for dinner, Anna?"

"I don't know what you fancy?"

"I hate this when I ask a question. Why can't you just give me an answer, woman?" we both laugh. "How about some pasta?" I ask

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Okay then." I put the pasta on to cook and make a salad in the meantime Anna has gone to have a bath.

I put a cd on. I love music, swinging my booty around the kitchen. I'm plating up the pasta and putting the salad on the table. Anna walks back in in a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around the head.

"Please carry on." she is laughing

"You cheeky cow come on, come eat." we sit down and tuck in.

"There is nothing like a nice hot bath after a long day at work. I needed that it's been a long, hard day,"

"What happened?"

"Sandra took an order on, and we already had another order booked, so she double booked, and instead of trying to rearrange like a normal person, she said we had to get it done. I'm not joking. Nobody was happy, and we didn't stop all flipping day. "

"That's bad. I hope you're all getting extra pay,"

"We got double pay for today,"

"So you should, why don't we get the party started early do you fancy some wine?"

"Pour away why not." We finish our dinner, I go to grab the plates.

" I'll wash up,"

"Thanks. I'm going to have a bath now."

In the bathroom, I start running a nice bubble bath. As I sink into the bubble bath, all the stress of the day just melts away. I can't help but think back to the incident with Mary and those women. I shake my head. What is wrong with people? grown ass woman acting like kids, don't get me wrong I'm a friendly person and I like to make friends with everyone but I don't take shit from anyone and I most certainly don't let people shit on my friends neither.
After spending half an hour in the bath I climb out I feel so much better I grab my bathrobe and put my hair up walking into the living room I noticed that Anna has painted her toe nails pink she is now propping her feet on the coffee table to dry.

"Do you want me to do yours?"

"Please, I'll have red."

It's past six, and the doorbell goes. I jump up it's Mary and Janet together

"Hey girls, are you ready to have some fun?"

We go into the front room, and I give them both a glass of wine.

"Let's go to the bedroom. I need to get dressed. " We go to my room. I set my wine on the table and go to my closet. The girls are sitting on my bed

"What about this?" I hold up a red dress that goes to the knee. I get a round of yes's, so I go with it. I take my robe off and throw it at the girls. I already have my red underwear on and slip the dress on. I look in the mirror "mmmm not bad" I do my makeup and hair get my red shoes and black purse after about an hour we are ready to go and I have to say we all look fabulous and we are ready for a night on the town.

"Mary, you look lovely!" I tell her she has a purple dress on just below the knee with cream heels. Janet is wearing a silver dress that ends below the butt and some black heels.

"Janet, you look lovely too!" she smiles at me. Anna had on a pink dress that came just below her butt and some pink heels.
we heard a beep from outside a taxi was here we made our way out and climbed in.

"Where to ladies?"

"Halo, please." When we arrive, we see a great big queue.

"Great, we have to wait in that." As we are making small talk, a guy comes up to us and clears his throat

"Can I help you?" Anna asks

"Would you ladies like to come in and have a free drink? It's a special offer for tonight as it's opening night. "

"In that case, we would love to." We make our way inside. I have to say the interior is beautiful black and red couches black tables.

"Please have a drink. The first one is on the house, and the boss will be in and say hello shortly."

"Thank you," we all say

"Well, that was nice of him," Anna says

"We won't say no to a free drink, will we girls?" I laugh. We make our way to the bar

"What can I get you?" the barman asks. We all decide on a Virgin Mary. After we get our drinks, we head to a table

"So what do you think?"

"It's good so far," Mary says

"Absolutely, and we got in early." Janet laughs

"Cheers to that," Anna says. "Let's dance."

We make our way to the dance floor soon I'm lost in the music I love to dance i can be free. Arms come around me. I open my eyes, and there is some guy trying to cop a feel I push him away.

"No thanks, try somewhere else,"

"Sarah," Anna says

"It's ok. I got this!" I tell her and smile at Janet and Mary

"Come on," Mary says. "I'll get some more drinks."

We go back to the bar, and four virgin Mary's are put in front of us

"Wow, you're good," Janet says

"Compliments of the boss," he replies

"Again," Anna asks

"Yep," the barman replies. After a few more drinks, there's more dancing, and a few guys have joined in. we are all having a good time. Even Mary is dancing with a guy and it's great to see ,as the night progresses the guy I'm dancing with is getting a bit to handy for my liking so I look at the girls nodding my head towards the table. I go to head back to the table, but the guy tightens his hold on me.

"Let. Me.Go!" I snap

"You owe me a kiss," the man says

"I don't think so." I go to walk away, but his hold is strong.

"Let her go now," Anna shouts. I have got Anna, Mary, Janet, one side, and this jerk on the other.

"Just let me go now asshole!"

"I don't think so." The next thing I know, the guy who let us in is there

"Let her go now!"

"Who the fuck are you?" He points to his shirt that says security wow I didn't even see that before.

"Here take the fat bitch" and he pushes me. "Plenty of pussy in here" he turns around then he is on the floor.

"Get him out of here Steve " I see Steve and another man take him away then I look at the stranger and just wow he must be 6ft 5 easy he has black hair green eyes and muscles I think I'm drooling he laughs I shake my head to clear it.


"Are you ok?"

"I am,"

"Good, my name is Darren." He holds his hand out, and I shake it.

"Im Sarah, this is Anna, Janet, and Mary


"Hello Darren,"

"Would it be rude of me to ask to borrow Sarah for a while? we will be over there." I go to say no, but the girls are all for me going with him except Anna.

We sit in a corner booth.

"Would you like another Bloody Mary?"

"No thanks, but a coke would be nice," he smiles at me. "Wait, how did you know what I ordered?"

"I'm the owner.

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