Chapter 24

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Sarah POV
In the car on the way to town, I'm so excited.

"Mary, do you fancy getting some lunch?"

"Yes, sounds lovely. By the way, do you mind if I see Mr Anderson as well to get a restraining order?"

"Of course not. I just didn't want to assume,"

"Great, there's also something else I want to talk to you about,"

"Go on,"

"Well, it's about the store. I was hoping the new clothes that come in you would model them ,I want to hang them in the window, I mean it's a plus size store I want the customers to see what they look like on you what do you think?"

"I think that I will do it if you do,"


"That's the deal, Mary."

"Ok, fine," she laughs

"When do you want to do it?"

"Well, the clothes are due tomorrow so in the next few days if that's ok?"

"That's fine. Are we telling the guys?"

"No, I had another idea."

"Do tell."

"Well, I thought they would get to see them when I ask them to hang them."

"Oh Mary, you are so wicked."
We arrive at the mall. I park up.

"I'm so happy Mary, he got me a dog."

"I can tell, and I'm so glad it makes you happy,"

"Let's go and get some lunch, and then it's time to go shopping." I'm really looking forward to this Mary some girl time together.

"Tonight, do you wanna come round to mine and Steve's? Then we can send the guys out. we can talk about how we are going to do the photo shoot and have a girly night in."

"That sounds absolutely perfect. Will it be okay if I bring Lilly with me?"

"Of course, bring Lilly.

Walking through the mall arm in arm, chatting and laughing, looking at things, I spot a beautiful lamp in the window. I just can't help myself. I have to go in. Going into the shop I take a closer look at the lamp it has a gold stand with a beautiful black and silver big shade looking at the price it's 50 pounds, I can't help myself I just have to have it so i pay for the lamp they box it up, we take it to the car then go back into the mall.

As we walked through the mall, I noticed pictures, and I saw some beautiful frames in the window.

"Come on, Mary, let's go in here and have a look." We are looking around. I see Mary looking at the photo frames, and they are beautiful they are gold with hand detail patterns all around.

"Wow, look at these Sarah they are beautiful,"

"I know. I think your pictures will go lovely in them,"

"Let's keep looking around." As Mary goes around the shop, I call the sales lady over.

"Hi, can I help you?"

"Yes, I would like to take twenty of these photoframes with different patterns on each of them, please,"

"Of course I shall do that for you right away,"

"Thank you, and here is my card. I'll be over there with that lady,"

"Okay, thank you."

Making my way over to Mary, I see that she is looking at a crystal elephant

"This is gorgeous. I think I'm going to take it. I think also I'll get about five of those photoframes and then come back some other time, and I can get the rest."

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea." I walk up to the till, and I see a box waiting just behind. The sales lady.

"Here's your card, and here is your package. Thank you very much,"

"What did you buy? Sarah, I never saw you pick up anything. "

"I just got something for a friend of mine." Mary hands over the crystal elephant, and it's expensive for £60 but it is absolutely beautiful.

"The shop is absolutely beautiful. Are you the owner?"

"Thank you so much. Yes, I am the owner. My name is Bree Child's,"

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Sarah, and this is Mary." Bree is a plus-size lady herself.

"I own a plus side shop the other end to the mall,"

"I will have to pop in and have a look it's so hard to get clothes that fit, especially being short."

"Come by any time you're always welcome, and thanks for this bye,"

"Bye" Bree waves.

"She was nice,"

"Yeah, she was. I absolutely adore that shop. I will be shopping there again,"

"Oh me too, me too."

We arrive at the pet shop walking in I grab a cart the bed section is the first place we go, there were three beds that I liked and I could not choose between them so I bought them all. Next, some shampoo, I bought three different harnesses three leads. There was no way I was getting a dog house outside because my baby would not be sleeping outside. I got the water and the food bowl in pink, then it came to the toys and I must've got one every thing I've got loads of treats.

"Lilly is going to be one spoiled little girl."
"Yeah, she is, but she is totally worth it. I still can't believe that he got me a Labrador puppy. I'm actually looking forward to going home now and just picking her up and giving her a big cuddle, not that I wasn't looking forward to going home before, but you know, "

"Yeah, of course she is gorgeous."

Walking up to the till packing all the items that I have brought it makes me smile, I'm a little shocked at how much it comes to, but she is totally worth it.

"That will be six hundred and thirty pounds please".

I hand over my card well Darren's card. Walking out the store with our hands filled with bags were laughing and joking on the way to the car, then all of a sudden, I heard.

"Aww, somebody bought you a dog."

"Anna, for the love of god, just go away."

"Make me!"

"Just grow up!"

"A dog for a dog how fitting" Anna snaps

"How dare you talk Sarah like that when you are just going to grow up and move on."

"Standing in the street shouting your mouth off you think this makes you look clever you think this makes you look good? it makes you look like a stupid immature brat. " I snap

"You will never get rid of me. You may have changed your phone numbers, but that's not going to be enough. You'll still see me around. I will always be here," Anna shouts

"If you think that scares us you are wrong what can you possibly do you haven't got the guts to do anything to our face so all you do is just destroyed things when nobody is around, but always remember things can be replaced friendship they can't". I snap

Walking away, and all of a sudden, I feel something cold and wet over my head. I turn around water dripping down my face. I can't believe Anna just threw water over my head.

"Come on, Sarah, let's go. Just stay away, Anna." People have stopped and I look at Anna and She has a small smile on her face thinking that I'm going to Start shouting just like she did, I will not let myself become low like her. Turning to Mary

"Yeah, come on, let's go she's not worth it." so with water running down my face we walk away making our way back to the car, climbing in Mary Hands me a throw that is on the back seat I wipe my face put my seatbelt on and drive home.

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