Chapter 7

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Sarah POV
Waking up the next morning, I stretch and have a smile on my face, I hate to admit it, but I'm looking forward to going on this date tomorrow with Darren.  I wouldn't tell him that I smiled.

"Babe, you up?" Anna says

"No, but I'm awake,"

"Very funny, get up, it's noon,"


"It's noon," Anna says. "Oh dear, I think.

"I'm getting up now. I'm just going to grab a quick shower,"

"Ok, I wanna leave by one," Anna shouts

"You got it,"

I drag my arse out of bed and go jump in the shower. I then brush my teeth and dry my hair. Back in the bedroom, I got black panties and a bra, then grabbed a blue dress and blue and white shoes. Walking into the kitchen, I see Anna on the porch swing. I grab a coffee and make my way out.

"How long have you been up?"

"Since seven, I went for a run," Anna says


"No need to be so surprised." we laugh

"Yep, so went for run come back had breakfast then a bath"

"You have been busy,"

"Do you want some breakfast?"

"No, I'll just grab a cereal bar, and we can go," I say

"Ok." Anna gets up and goes to her room. As I get my bar, I grab my bag and make my way to Anna, who is outside now. we lock up and head to town.
Once we hit town, we head into the first clothes shop they have a sale on

"So what you thinking of getting?" Anna says

"I don't know. I'm hoping something will jump out at me." Just then, I saw some shorts not for the date, but with the warm weather coming, I might as well. "What do you think of these, Anna?" they are pink with a black design on them.

"Oh, I like them,"

"I know, right? I'll try them on in a bit." we continue looking by the time we go into the changing rooms. I have six tops, four pairs of trousers, three pairs of shoes, three dresses. (Don't judge me) Anna is no better she has four dresses,  shorts, eight tops, and six shoes, and this is why we need a day shopping.

"What do you think?" Anna says she has on a gold dress off the shoulder and comes just above the knee with some cream shoes on

"Oh, you look fantastic," and she does "you wear that tomorrow, and you will knock him dead."

"Really?" Anna says

"Aboso-fucking-lutly" we laugh, and we get ready to pay. I haven't found what I want, but I have got quite a few things from here. Making our way out, we walk through town and go into another shop. I love the name B-Full. we look around. I get some sunglasses and earrings. suddenly I see the dress that I must have. "Anna, look at this."

"Oh, that is beautiful," Anna says. I call the sale lady over.

"Can I try this on? Please, " I ask

"Yes, dear." she takes the dress off the manakin and hands it to me

"Thank you" I walk into the dressing room I slip my clothes off and put the dress on ,it's just the right length the zip is at the side so that makes it easier I look at myself in the mirror and I fall in love with it all over again. I walk out to Anna when Anna sees me, and her mouth nearly falls to the floor.

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