Chapter 15

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Sarah POV

"What the hell, Anna! you sit there like you're the only one in pain. I don't fancy you back big deal ,I am doing everything to accommodate you I'm moving out with no where to go, I was willing to work something out your not even willing to try, you have moved Janet in even before I leave my life has been turned upside down as well, this is what it's like you don't want me ok get out,". I try my best to stop the flood gates, but I feel a single tear roll down my cheek. Mary's comes to me and wraps her arms around me. I hug her back.

"Sarah, I want you to come and live with me. I have room," Mary says

"Thank you so much. I'll be out of your hair as soon as I can,"

"No rush at all," Mary says

"Sarah, I pick my head up."Can I have your keys, please? " Anna says

"Sure, I place the keys on the table." Thank god I kept all my letters and bills in my room together. all of a sudden, I want to get out of there just then Darren and Steve come through the door. Darren comes to me, and Steve picks up the boxes by the door. Mary goes to help.

"Do you have everything?" Darren says, it's funny looking around the place I used to call home seeing the empty spots. Then I remember Janet moving in, and I hold my head up.

"Anna, when you work out what you think I owe you, call me, and I'll settle up."

"Ok, I will," Anna says

"No need here is enough to cover," and Darren throws a wad of bills on the table

"How much is there?" I ask

"£2000, Anna, I would like you to sign this receipt, please." Anna reads it over and signs.

"It's just to say that you have caused no damage and have given her £2000 it's just so she can't come after you later," Darren says

"You are just so smart aren't you just get the fuck out my home Darren" Anna says

"We are leaving Anna there is no need to talk to him like this"

"He is walking out the door and taking the woman I love" Anna says

"You have kicked me out Anna!" and with that I grab Darren's hand and walk out of the place I have called home. We get into his car and Mary and Steve are in the back I get in the front with Darren. I start to cry and look at my hands Darren puts his hand over mine I hold onto his hand for strength but then he has to pull away to drive. I keep my head down so when the car stops I get out expecting to be at Mary's. When I look up I see we are at Darren's

"Why are we here?"

"Come on in I'll explain" I walk into Darren's with him and sit on the sofa Darren sits next to me while Mary and Steve sit on the other sofa.

"Baby, first I'm sorry, I feel like this is my fault," Darren says

"It's not she has kept this secret, and it would have happened anyway,"

"We are together and I want you to stay with me, I want you with me so I can take care of you and be there for you, plus work on our relationship, I'm sorry this happened to you Sarah, I want to hold you when you cry, wipe away yours tears away and help you anyway I can" Darren says

"Oh Darren," I place my head on his chest

"Is that a yes!" I nod my head into his chest, I cry for what seems like a long time. I sit up and look at Mary and Steve.

"Sorry." I wipe my eyes

"Nothing to be sorry about. I think you handled it very well, especially when she said Janet was moving in," Mary says.

"WHAT!" Both Darren and Steve snap

"You tell them Mary I'm going to freshen up" I walk through the hallway and spot all my boxes in a room, I smile and carry on to the bathroom I look in the mirror, oh dear I look awful I clean up and head back to the lounge I sit next to Darren and he slips his arm around me.

"I need to lie down. I have a headache,"

"Of course, head up to bed, baby," Darren says

"I'll be at work tomorrow, Mary." I get up and hug her.

"No, you won't. You are having another week off, and I'll be here with you if you want," Mary says

"What about the shop?" I ask with tears down my face.

"I hope you don't mind, but I told Mum what happened when we were in the car, she and her friend are going to run the shop for me so I can be with you."

"Thank you." I cry out and hug Mary tighter

"Go on up to bed," Mary says. I kiss her cheek, then Stevens

"Thank you for helping today,"

"No problem." I kiss Darren's lips and then head to bed. I just take my clothes off and slip between the sheets as soon as my head hits the pillow I close my eyes and cry, I can hear them talking about fifteen minuets later I hear the front door close and it must be Darren pottering around in the kitchen, my mind goes back to Anna thinking back over the years did I miss anything any hints, did I lead her on?, then I get pissed I don't care she is gay I can't help but feel like I've been punished because I don't have them sort of feelings for her. All these years have been a lie, I feel so stupid. Just then, Darren walks into the room and climbs into bed with me. He wraps his arms around me. I turn over and snuggle into his chest he holds me tighter.

"Go to sleep, baby, rest. I'll be here when you wake up, I'll keep you safe." he kisses the top of my head


"I promise baby you're stuck with me," Darren says

"Never lie to me, and if you don't want me, tell me I never want to live a lie again."

"I would never do that baby never put you on that position. You're the woman for me Sarah now no more talking, go to sleep, baby," Darren says. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I look at my baby sleeping and am so angry, angry that she hurt my woman that will not happen again.

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