Chapter 20

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Sarah POV
Me Mary and her mom just laugh outright laugh. Steve looks worried, and so does Darren.

"I'm Steve." he takes Trevor's hand. I can't help but notice he winces a little

"I'm Darren," he holds his hand out, and Trevor shakes it he winces, and Trevor sits on the sofa with Mary and her mom.

"Sweetheart, it's good to see you,"

"You to dad,"

"Sarah, it's good to see you. How are you doing since the Anna thing?"

"I'm ok. I still don't think it has hit home, yet it's hard thinking that all that time, I was living a lie."

"You weren't living a lie she was, don't forget that!"

"You're right. I never thought of it like that,"

"So Steve, I see you have asked my Mary to move in with you. Don't you think it's a little soon?."

"No, I don't. Life is too short. I want Mary. I see a future with her. iv never felt that before. She makes me happy, I don't like being apart from her. I see her as my wife one day and the mother of my children, your grandchildren. "

"Well said, I'll give you that." Trevor looks at Tess, and she nods her head at Trevor.

"Ok, Steve, you have our blessing, but you hurt my baby. I hurt you, got it?"

"I got it, and I'd never hurt her." Trevor nods his head. Darren is looking at Steve and smiles, but his smile dies when he notices Trevor is looking at him.

"Darren, I hope you have good intentions towards young Sarah. She has been through enough,"

"I do. I love her she is my world, and I'll keep her happy."

"Good cause I'm the same with Sarah as i am with Mary."

"I understand." After that, we went to the dining room and had dinner. The chatter was lighter. We had a good time, and I was laughing and joking. All of a sudden, my phone goes off.

"I'm sorry, I'll just grab that." I get my phone, and I see the number is Anna's

"Hello, Anna,"

"Sarah, I miss you so much. Please come back and be with me." they all look at me. I place the phone on speaker and place it on the table.

"No, Anna, I'm happy as i am."

"You mean with that bastard Darren, you were mine first,"

"I'm not a piece of furniture, Anna,"

"I suppose your new best friend is that fat bitch Mary"

"Stop right there! Anna, I'm sick of this. Now you did this. you're the liar here. your the one who messed up now you want me to feel sorry for you, you did this to yourself and you can stop insulting Mary you get me!. Mary is something you never were and that's a true friend, you know what I was hoping that we could remain friends on some level but I see now that we can't." Taking a deep breath I carry on "I don't want to hear from you again I don't want to speak to you again, stop being a bitch and move on cause I am" I end the phone call I get up and so does Mary we meet half way and hug.

"Don't let her get to you ok she has turned into a bitter bitch and is just lashing out"

"I won't Sarah it's her problem"

"Two right" we bump hips and sit down.

"I think it's best if you both change your numbers even if you block her she can call from another phone

"I agree with Darren. we will change our numbers tomorrow, right Sarah?"

"Right, Mary." The rest of the night goes smoothly. we have so much fun it's ten pm and time to leave. we have to be up early because we have to help Steve and Mary move. we have Tess and Trevor coming over as well, hugging each other we set out getting into the car we make our way home.

"Well, that was fun. How was it for you, Steve?" Darren says

"Mary, you minx wait till I get you home." she blushes

"Mary, you could have warned us your dad was built like the hulk."

"He's not that bad Darren" we all laugh it's been a good day. When I spoke to Anna and told her what I thought I felt better, getting home, I hugged Mary and said goodnight to them both.
Going inside, I go to the kitchen to get a drink arms wrap around my middle.

"You ok, baby?"

"Yes, just thinking about Anna not in a negative way for me, I'm happy that I told her what I thought, though I used to think what did I do? and it's like Trevor said it wasn't me. It still makes me sad we were friends for all those years. I told her everything you know. "

"Baby, when people don't get their own way, they will try to turn it around to make themselves feel better."

"Yes, it seems that way well, it's a lesson learnt,"

"Not everyone is like that baby,"

"Oh, I know, and I try not to judge everyone the same way, but it does knock your confidence, you know,"

"I know baby come on let's go to bed" taking my hand we walk to the bed room, slipping out of my clothes I climb into bed naked Darren does the same getting into bed he climbs over me taking my lips in a tender kiss, slipping inside me he makes sweet love to me looking Into my eyes the whole time.

"I love you, baby,"

"I love you too," lying next to each other, we hold each other. Suddenly, my phone goes off again. I grab it and look at the caller.

"It's Janet. Hello Janet."

"Hi Sarah, look, I'm sorry to call you, but Anna is flipping out throwing things, and I can't stop her."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can you come and see her?"

"Hold on," I put my hand over the speaker. "Anna is having a hissy fit. Janet wants me to go see her."

"It's up to you, but I wouldn't. You're not friends anymore."

"Hello Janet, look, she is nothing to do with me anymore she called me earlier, and she was rude. I told her I didn't want to hear from her anymore. I'm sure you understand."

"I do understand Sarah sorry to bother you, bye,"

"Bye Janet," I hang up the phone

"Don't you dare feel guilty, Sarah!"

"I'm not. Today has been a good day for me. I feel more at peace. Does that make sense?"

"Yes baby, it does baby come on. Let's sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." With his arms wrapped around me, I fall asleep.

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