Chapter 26

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Sarah's POV
I wake up with a headache and look at Darren for a moment. I smile, and then I remember the front of the house. My smile fades. Why is she doing this? I'm getting tired of doing this. Feeling movement on the bed I see Lilly waddle up and lick my face then she climbs on my chest, stroking her fur I feel the tears roll down my face, she is trying to ruin me and I have done nothing just tried to protect myself I hope when the injunction order is in place then this will be the end. Will Darren still want me. How could she do this to his house. I get up put a swimming costume on and walk out to the water I don't stop walking till my feet don't touch the bottom, I must have been swimming for a while slowly the tension leaves my body and is replaced with pure rage, swimming back to the shore I see Darren with Lilly she has her paws in the water.

Walking out the water, Darren opens his arms he has a towel. I walk straight into his arms, and he holds me. I feel so safe.

"I'm sorry."

"Why baby?"

"For what she did to your house,"

"Our house." I put my head into his neck, and he held me for the longest time. Hearing Lilly tried to bark makes me laugh, lifting my head. I see Mary's parents with Steve and Mary.

"Don't let that cow get to you,"

"I'll try not to."

Trevor comes over to me and gives me a one arm hug as he has donuts in his other hand, we all sit down I sit just in the water as Lilly likes to walk in and out, Darren sits next to me so Lilly can't go to far. I notice Trevor and Steve walk back to Steves and come back with chairs and coffee. They set the chairs just in the water and sit down. I'm happy to stay as i am with Lilly and Darren.

"The house is painted," Steve says


"It was done through the night," Mary says.

"Thanks, I don't have to see it again,"

"No baby, you don't."

We all sit there talking and eating, I suddenly laugh as Lilly comes running to the water and rolls over now she is soaked, she walks over to me and try's to get in my lap I sit so she can and she climbs up and snuggles into me.

"Aww, that is so cute," Tess says

"I know, and iv only had her a day,"

"She knows who her mom is."

"She does Mary she is my little darling." Just then, I see the officers walk off the back deck.


"I know, baby, I'm here." they come down

"Hello again."

"Hi, do we need to go inside?"

"If you're happy to stay here, Sarah, so are we?"

"Thank you,"

"We noticed the house has been repainted already that was fast,"

"Yes, officer, I dealt with that. we didn't want Sarah seeing it again," Steve says.

"I can understand that, now Sarah, can you tell us what happened?"

"Yes we ordered pizza and when the door bell went I went to open the door, the pizza boy was there he asked me if I knew who live next door, I said that it was me and he told me that somebody has spray painted the front of the house. I shouted what and ran outside when I saw the words sprayed across the house. I just went numb, and everything went quiet. I saw Mary in front of me but I couldn't hear her then Darren was there and the suddenly the sound came back I screamed Darren then I was in his arms, the next thing I know I'm out"

"Ok, thank you, Sarah. I just wanted to let you know that we arrested Anna, and she confessed she did it. Also, we have reports from the neighbours that they saw her, and their descriptions matched."

" I just want her to leave me alone. I have Mr Anderson coming today to get started with the restraining order,"

"That's good Sarah hopefully that will put an end to it. If we need you again, we will call."

"Thank you,"


"Goodbye, officers."

I relax against Darren and hope they are right. Getting up out the water I hold onto Lilly, I need a shower.

"I'm going to shower,"

"Good  we are going out."


"We are going out for lunch all of us, baby,"

"Oh, ok."

I walk into the house and give Lilly a shower first in the spare room, once she is dried off I go to our room get a black underwater set and have a shower, wrapping a towel around myself I step out and dry my hair and put on a bit of make up, going into the closet I pick out a red dress with black heels, when I'm happy with my appearance I walk back into the kitchen to see that everyone has come inside.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Yes, Mary, I'm ready."

I check that honey has water and food and grab my bag, me and Darren get into his car, and Mary and Steve get into theirs while Tess and Trevor get into theirs.

"Where are we going?"

"Flows buffet have you been before?"

"No, I haven't."

"Baby, if you don't want to go, we can go home,"

"It's fine, Darren, really."

I take his hand in mine, truthfully I want to go home but then that would cause more problems more questions and right now I just don't need it. Getting out the car I hold onto the door, I get a head rush. Darren comes to me.

"You ok?"

"Yep, let's go,"

I feel crap but I go on anyway. I've not been feeling too good for a couple of days, but I put it down to the stress with Anna. We walk in with everyone else, and I see Janet sitting there on her own. I walk over.


"Hi Sarah, how have you been?"

"Truthfully shit I'm tired of this stuff with Anna."

"I'm not really sure what's been going on. I have not spoken to her, and she quit her job at the bakery."

"She quit?"

"Yes she walked in told the boss to fuck off and walked out"


"Yes she has lost it, I just wanted to say sorry I didn't choose between you to at all I though after a few weeks things would work out, I shouldn't of moved in with her. I was going to call, but I didn't want you to think that I fell out with her and was trying to come back to you."

"It did seem like you choose, but I can also see it was a shit situation for all I guess. Where you living now?"

"With my mom and dad, I talked through everything with my mom and dad like I said I'm sorry."

"Ok, so let's move on,"

"You want to still be friends?"

"Yes, I do, but I don't give third chances."

"Thank you,"

"You want to eat with us?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I look back at the table and then back at Janet

"Come on".

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