Chapter 21

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Sarah POV
I hear a phone ringing, opening my eyes. I see it's still dark out. Darren grabs his phone. 

"Hello ,you have got to be kidding me ok we are coming,"

"What's wrong, Darren?"

"Get up, baby. we have to go. Mary got a phone call that her home had been trashed."

"What? oh no, " I jump out of bed and just throw on jeans and a jumper. I need to get to Mary. we grab our keys, and we are out the door, running to Mary, who is crying. I hold her to me.

"Come on, get in the car." We get in the car and make our way over. I hold Mary the whole way over there. when we pull up, the only thing we see is the door has been knocked down, the police are there, climbing out the car the policeman walks up to us.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Mary, this is my home. This is my boyfriend Steven and my friends Sarah and Darren."

"Mary, I'm sorry to say it's not a pretty sight. Do you know anyone who might do this?"

"No, no one, I have no enemies that I know of."

"Ok, if you think of anyone, let us know ,you can go in. We need to know what's missing."

"Thank you, officer." We make our way inside in the hallway it looks like things have just been chucked around. stepping into the kitchen, the walls have been sprayed with your ugly fat cow. The doors on the cupboards have been ripped off, and the food has been opened and chucked all over the kitchen.
The front room is no better. The leather sofa has been slashed open, and the mirror has been smashed. All the pictures of the frames have been smashed, so has the tv, and all the DVD and CDs have been broken.
The downstairs toilet has been filled with toilet paper and has overflowed. Making our way up the stairs we go to the bathroom and all her perfumes have been smashed on the floor and on the mirror is another message think you can take what's mine you ugly bitch.

"Anna" they all look at me "this is Anna that fucking bitch." We keep looking heading into the bedroom all of Mary's clothes are cut to ribbons even her underwear furniture tipped over the bed has been slashed open we hear a sniffle and look to Mary who is crying. Steven has her in his arms. Suddenly, there is a commotion downstairs.

"I want to see my daughter!" Mary turns and runs down the stairs.

"Mom dad," as we walk down the stairs, we see Mary in her parents' arms, seeing Mary in this state, I am so mad, no, I'm beyond mad.

"I need some air,"

"I'll come with you," Darren says

"No stay here they might need you" I walk out the house to the car I know that the keys are in the car, I jump in and speed away, that bitch that fucking bitch I'll fucking kill her I will. Mary, she had to take it out on Mary. I'm the one she has the problem with, I pull up outside Anna's and get out of the car, walking up to the door I bang on it.

"Anna open this fucking door!" Janet opens the door and I see boxes inside.

"What's going on, Sarah?"

"I could ask you the same, but have you seen what Anna has done to Mary's home?"

"No, she didn't, did she?"

"You knew!"

"I thought she was just running her mouth. iv been looking for somewhere to live, and she has kicked me out. I got my mom coming for me. I'm sorry for everything that has happened. "

"Well, well, look what we have here, it's Sarah." I see flashing lights and hear the doors open, but I don't care. I grab Anna, and we fall down the front steps as we roll around. I scream at her

"Why, Mary? I'm the one you have the problem with. " The officers pull us apart.

"I know you hate people picking on your friends. Why should I let you lot be happy?"

"You fucking bitch I hate you!"

"That's a shame Sarah cause I love you"

"You are scum why would I ever be with a thing like you apart from the fact I'm straight, you ruined Mary's home"

"I enjoyed every minuet now she has lost something that she loves."

"That's where your wrong Anna"

"Really do tell Sarah"

"Mary has a family that love her a man that loves her a new home a new life great friends. she is a wonderful woman and friend, a heart of gold, you think you have brought her down you haven't she has us, what do you have your anger your hate and why Anna why because you lived a lie you did this you stupid bitch". Just then Janet's mom pulls up along with Mary and her parents and Darren with Steve.

"Mary has everything while you have lost everything think about it Anna, me, Mary, Janet all gone and I never thought I would say this but if this is how you behave when you don't get your own way you deserve no one". Mary comes up to me and I hug her this makes Anna go crazy.

"You fat ugly bitch!" Anna struggles free and goes for Mary. I step in front of Mary and slap Anna so hard she falls down, staring down at Anna. I tell her

"You stay the fuck away from my family you got it!" Anna's eyes go wide and she sobs and I feel nothing I walk over to the others with Mary,

"Darren hold me and they are all smiling at me I grab Mary's hand.

"Miss, we need you to come to the station with us,"

"Ok, I hold out my hands to the officer,"

"I don't think that will be nessacery. Just follow us down."

"We will." I get into the car with Darren and Steve and Mary we make our way down to the station, when we walk in the officer is there booking Anna in, we sit down waiting.

"Miss Cross, come with me, please." I get up when I see Darren get up and embrace a man.

"Excuse me, officer, this is Mr Anderson Sarah's brief." I look at him in jeans and a jumper. I hold my hand out

"Hi, I'm Sarah."

"It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"Miss Cross, Mr Anderson, this way." we follow the officer through to a room we are there for a while. I give him the whole story of how this started and showed him the messages she sent to me. His advice was to get a restraining order, which I was going to do.

Mary went to give her statement, and Mr Anderson went with her by the time time we were finished it was five am. We all went home for a few hours' sleep, and then we would tackle Mary's home later. What a night.

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