Chapter 28

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Sarah POV
A lot has been happening me and Darren went to Vegas with Mary and Steve. I am now Mrs Sarah Sky. I'm now two and half months pregnant. we have the nursery started. I can't wait for our little bundle to join us. Mary's house was sold she and Steve are engaged and are having her wedding on the beach.
We did the clothes shoot for the shop to say the guys were unhappy was an understatement. Darren still says I have a spanking coming once the baby is born. I love my life with Darren mine and Janet's friendship is getting better by the day. Yes, a lot happened. Anna is gone. There was a time I couldn't imagine her gone from my life, but now I'm happy she's gone. Her mom came to see me and told me she knew nothing of this that when she spoke to Anna, she said we were still friends.
Mary's confidence has bloomed, and it's beautiful to see we are great friends, we have Sunday dinners every week at each other's homes,this week, it's Tess and Trevor's turn. It makes me sad that our child won't have any grandparents, but then Darren said to me that family is not always by blood, and I realise that's so true. Tess and Trevor have already told us that they will love our child like they would love Mary's when they told me that I just cried. 

Lliiy is just beautiful she has grown so much we enjoy walks along the beach with her when Darren is not there she won't leave my side we took her out on the boat it was so funny watching her and Darren jump into the water.

"Dinners ready," Tess shouts. We make our way outside Lilly following at my feet, Tess has even put her some food in her bowl. My girl is so spoilt that they even have toys and a bed at their house for her.

"Sarah, I want to ask. Will you be my maid of honer?"

"Oh Mary, I would love to,"

"Darren, I want you to be my best man," Steve says

"Of course mate," they bro hug

"I can't wait to go shopping with you girls," Tess says we laugh. Tess loves her shopping. After eating the men wash up me, Mary and Tess make our way over to the swing seats

"How's baby doing?" I smile

"What's that smile for?"

"I look around. I have a secret to tell Darren,"

"Oh yes,"

"Yes." I lean forward. "It's not a baby it's twins." they scream the men come running out, and Lilly is by my side, I burst out laughing.

"What happened?" Darren asks, they look at me. I smile at Darren, getting up. I walk over to him.

"Baby, I have something to tell you."

"You ok, right?"

"We all are, yes,"

"Oh good, wait, what?"

"Darren were having twins." he has the biggest smile on his face he kisses my lips

"Thank you." I cry. I blame hormones. Of course, he has held me for so long.

"We will need another crib,"

"I already ordered one."

"I love you, Mrs Sky."

"I love you, Mr Sky."

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