Chapter 5

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There is strong language in this chapter

Sarah POV
Mary has asked me to do stock take in the back it doesn't need to do so. I know she is just giving me time. I love my friends dearly. Maybe after I tell them what happened at lunch, I'll feel better, I sit there, and I don't know what to think, be flattered or pissed off. At the minute I'm pissed off at him at myself maybe I should give him a chance I just hate the fact that he has already decided that I'm his well fuck him I will decide if I want to give him a chance or not.

I think back to what happened in this room, and I blush he knows I'm a virgin. What if he sees me as a challenge? Oh god. Darren, I put my head in my hands just then the door opens and Mary and Anna walk in Anna comes straight over to me and hug me I hug her back.

"Sorry Mary, I'm so useless today," I say

"Don't you dare say that you have helped me out more times than I can count." I smile at her.

"What are friends for?" they sit down. Anna puts a bag on the table

"We got pizza today" she smiles "So tell me Sarah am I going to kick that motherfuckers ass?."

"No I want to do that I just want to forget and have tonight have fun"

"Sorry I can't come" Mary says

"Well looks like it's just the two of us" Anna says

"Oh why?"

"Janet went home sick but I do have some good news for you"


"I have next week off to when Mary phoned Sophie swapped with me"

"Thanks" like I said I love my friends we sit there in silence eating our pizza Anna is going to crack anytime now five four three two one

"Sarah for the love of god spill it!" I laugh

"Ok ok so he came here I dragged him in here to cuss him out and he pinned me against the wall and kissed the life out of me." I continue to tell them everything that happened well not everything by the time I finish Mary's mouth is hanging open. Anna is frowning.

"You could have him done," Anna says

"That's going a bit far, plus I sort of enjoyed it, Mary. Are you ok? You haven't gone into shock, have you?"

"You didn't do anything on the table, did you?" I burst out laughing

"No, Mary, we were on our feet the whole time,"

"What are you going to do?" Mary asks

"I'm not sure, but tonight I'm going out and having fun with no Darren."

"Yes, we are!" Anna says
Anna leaves and it's time to open back up so I come back out front and help with some customers I'm surprised how fast the rest of the day goes and at four o'clock we shut up shop.

"I hope everything works out for you, Sarah." I give Mary a kiss and make my way over to Anna

"I am so ready to go home," Anna says

"Me too."We link arms and walk home when I walk in. I walk to the bathroom and run a bath. I slip in, and I instantly relax. Anna walks in and gives me a glass of wine.


"Thanks ." she walks out ,after I start to wrinkle up I get out wrap myself in my fluffy robe and wrap my hair, there is a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen I walk in just as Anna is plating up.

"It's smells great,"

"You sit down," Anna says

"Ok, mama bear." we laugh. Anna puts chips and burgers in front of me, and I dig in.

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