Chapter 19

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Sarah POV
Waking up the next morning Darren has his arms wrapped around me and I really need to pee ,I try to shuffle to the end of the bed but every time I move he pulls me back and holds me tighter.

"Darren, I need to pee."

"Five more minutes," he pulls me closer

"No, get off, come on Darren off off off." he sighs and turns over, going to the bathroom doing my business. I decided to have a shower. The warm water is wonderful.  Getting  out, I dry my hair and put my cream on, walking into the bedroom. Darren is sound asleep. I grab the beautiful bag and take out a pink bra and panties and slip them on, then I decide on a long summer dress. happy with my appearance, I go to the kitchen and make some pancakes placing the plate on the table. I grab an orange juice, I hear my phone ping picking it up, and I see a text from Mary

Are you up?

Yes, come on round, let yourself in. I have pancakes

Ok. Three minutes later, Mary comes walking in

"Hi Sarah,"

"Hi Mary, you ok?" I see the blush on her cheeks. I smile at her.

"Last night, me and Steve, you know,"

"Had sex"

"Yes, it was amazing. I was just wondering, should I be this sore?"

"Yes, it's natural, don't worry."

"Oh, thank god," I laugh

"So your cherry is gone." Mary blushes and nods

"Will the next time hurt this much?"

"No Hun the first time hurts for woman, Where is Steve?"

"Still asleep"

"So is Darren," we both laugh. "I was thinking about taking a swim after breakfast. Do you want to join me? we can relax on the sand. "

"Would love to it's just what I need to deal with, mom. Dad is well, dad. Do you think I should warn them?  but as you know, my mom" Mary cringes

"Warn them about your dad. Hell no."

"Steve will be fine, and Darren, I hope." I smile we finish our breakfast and Mary pops home to change, going into the bedroom I grab a costume and put it on then I grab a blanket two bottles of water leave a note for Darren telling him we are on the beach and the pancakes are for him and Steve. Making my way out, just as I step onto the sand, I see Mary come out. we lay out the blankets and sit down.

"What a lovely morning," Mary says,  tilting her chin up and closing her eyes

"It is." we lie on the blanket and relax.

A shadow appears over u.  I open my eyes to see Darren and Steve

"Wel,  look who it i, Mary,  our sleeping beauties," we laughed.  Steve sits behind Mary and pulls her into his arms.

"Morning darling," he kisses her lips

"Morning." I lie back down with Darren and rest my head on his arm

"What time do we have to be at your moms?" Steve asks

"About five."

"Ok, come on, let's go for a swim." Steve takes her hand and pulls her up. I watch as they walk through the water, I get up and go to walk down to the water when I'm suddenly lifted over Darren's shoulder he slaps my bottom, Mary and Steve look over laughing.

"You bastard put me down right now!"


"I said put me down now!" And just like that, he throws me off his shoulder into the water. I come up spluttering for air."

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