Chapter 8

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Sarah POV
I'm woken up by Anna jumping on me ,"What the fuck Anna"

"Morning sunshine"

"Fuck off" Anna laughs rolling off me and lying next to me.

"Thanks for putting my stuff away last night. I was so tired, oh, and putting me to bed,"

"No problem, you would have done it for me,"

"Of course I would come on, get up, it's eleven already." she gets up, jumping on my bed.

"Anna, how much coffee did you have?"

"Three cups come on, get up, get up up up." she jumps off my bed and runs out of the room . Next time I'm buying decaf ,I pull the covers over my head, and then I hear Anna come back.

"No no no no get up up up," Anna says. I pull the covers down

"Ok, I'm getting up,"

"Can you believe the date is tonight you better call Darren, where do you think we will go?, I hope Darren don't mind, omg I have got to call Alan,do you think he will mind?" I grab Anna.

"Anna, it will all be fine ok stop worrying,"

"Ok, you're right,"

"Of course I am." Go shower, then we will go get our hair done. "

"Ok." With that, Anna goes out of the room. I decided to call Darren ,ring

"Hey baby,"

"Aw, you been waiting for my call?"

"Have you been thinking about me between your gorgeous thighs?" I blush, although he can't see me

"Have you booked the table?"

"Yes, I have a table for four at Darkness for 7: 30, so I'll pick you up at 7"

"You're very organised!"

"Baby, seeing as I booked the table for four, can I add another stipulation for me?"

"I'm all for hearing you out." I smile

"Come back with me after dinner," Darren says

"I let you know after dinner see you at 7" I hang up, smiling to myself, I get out of bed

"Anna Darren is picking us up at 7, so call Alan he can either come here or meet us there. We are going to darkness."

"Ok, thanks. will do it now," Anna says. I go to the bathroom and hop in the shower. I take a bit of extra time shaving my legs and armpits. Once I'm happy, I climb out the shower and go back to my room. I put on pink panties and bra, then some white trousers with a red top and black shoes , walking into the front room. Anna is just getting off the phone.

"Alan is going to come here about 6 30"

"Sounds like a plan. Have you eaten?"

"No, I haven't come on. Iets go get a late breakfast before we have our hair done,"

"Ok, let me just grab my shoes and bag." I grab my bag, making sure I have everything and realize my phone is in the bedroom going into my room. I pick up my phone, and seeing that I have a message, I open the message. I really hope you make the right decision
I smiled to myself, put my phone in my bag, Anna was on the porch, swing I walked out, and locked the door.

"Ready?" Anna says

"Yes, let's go." we link arms and walk down the road

"Let's go through the park." we walk through the gates. i love the park, the trees

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