Chapter 27

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Sarah's POV
Walking over to the table, I sit down next to Darren and pull Janet down next to me.

"Ok, let's get this out the way, shall we?"


"No, Darren. I have forgiven Janet and we have sorted stuff out its been hard on all of us, Anna is very manipulative and Janet was our friend for a while before all this happened, we all talk for a while and we agree to let it be in the past".

"You have a dog?" Janet asks

"I do her name is Lilly, and she is a Labrador she is absolutely beautiful,"

"So you have a picture?

"No, I'll have to take some."

Janet has to go she is meeting her mom, and she gave me her new phone number. We better make a move ourselves as we have Ben coming over.

"By the way, darling, we have a showing today for the house,"

"That's great, mom." Mary replies

We all make our way out and head home. once I get inside, I call Lilly, and she is not there. We walk into the front room and freeze. sitting there in a chair is Anna, and she has a gun pointed straight at us she has Lilly on her lap.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" She burst out laughing

"Hello my darling Sarah, how have you been? Did you like the way I redid your house? "

"You think you're so cleaver,"

"No, I don't think I know!" Anna snaps

"What do you want, Anna?"

"I want you to feel how I do now, I have nothing, while you have everything ,you don't mind being happy with him while I'm miserable."

"You did this, Anna, not me!" Yes, shout at a person with a gun.

"Ah, come in, come in." I turn around to see Mary and Steve with Ben. "Please take a seat."

"What happened to you?" Mary asks

"Oh Mary fat Mary you dumb bitch"

"That's enough Anna."

"Police open the door" Steve smirks

"Looks like your times up Anna"

"I don't think so" she gets up and walks to Me then points the gun at Darren.

"Don't Anna please"

"Shut up walk to the glass door" I do as she says

"Sarah baby"

"It's ok I love you"

"Shut up" she walks over to me and pushes me out the door. I stumble down the steps onto the beach.


"Shut up no more talking. I wanted this to last, but oh well," I'm quite away from the house. I'm happy they are all safe.

"Stop right there." I stop, "Turn around." I turn "well it's sad it came to this. All you had to do was be mine

"So you want to know what my choice would be between being yours and being dead?"


"No, I choose death. You said you loved me, and yet all you have tried to do is hurt me, that's not love,"


"No, like you said, Anna, no more talking, just do what you're going to do." I look her in the eye

"We will both be on the other side soon." she points the gun at me with tears in her eyes, and I feel nothing.

A shot is heard and I see see a blood pour from Anna's chest ,her hand pulls the trigger I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder I go down, I hear Darren shout my name then darkness takes over.

Waking up in the hospital, Darren is asleep in a chair with his head on the bed, I stroke my hand through Darren's hair. My other arm is in a sling, and Darren stirs next to me


"Hey Darren sweetheart,"

"Oh baby, I'm so happy you're awake. I missed you so much. i'm sorry, baby, so sorry."

"Darren, stop please, it's over,"

"She is dead, baby." I take a sharp intake of breath.

"Good. I know it's horrible to say, but good. What about Lilly?"

"She is fine at home,"

"Good, good,"

The door bursts open, and Mary, Steve, Tess, and Trevor  come in with flowers and balloons.

"Sarah, I'm so happy you're ok."

"I'm alright, Mary." I get hugs off, everyone. The doctor walks in

"Hi Sarah, I'm Dr Collins. I have been looking after you."

"Hi and thank you," he chuckles "how you feeling?"

"Like I got shot," I smile

"I need to talk to you in private,"

"We will wait outside."

"Thanks." he looks at Darren

"He stays with me he is my boyfriend,"

"That's fine, Sarah. we did some tests, and you are pregnant,"


"You didn't know?"

"No, doc."

"Well, I'll leave you to talk,"

"Darren." I look at him to see him looking at my stomach and smiling

"We're having a baby,"

"You ok with that?"

"Of course I am. I love you and our baby,"

"I love you both to"

"Good cause you're stuck with us." I give a teary laugh. Darren goes to the door and calls the others in.

"Can I tell them?"

"Go ahead."

"We are having a baby." There are congratulations and hugs some tears. When Dr. Collins came back, he congratulated us and told me I could go home. I laughed at Darren as he asked the doctor a hundred questions. I was so happy to get out of there. Getting home, I wanted to see Lilly when I walked in. Darren made me sit on the sofa. Imagine my surprise when I see Janet there.

"I'm happy to see you better,"

"Thanks, and thank you for looking after Lilly

"No problem." Lilly comes to me. I go to pick her up, and Darren comes running over to me.

"I got her," he puts her on the sofa. "Don't jump on mommy tummy." Janet looks at me.

"I'm pregnant,"

"Oh, congratulations."

When we are left on our own me Darren and Lilly are all snuggling together.



"Will you marry me? " he has a ring it's beautiful. I look at Darren with teary eyes

"Yes, I will marry you.

Fool Me OnceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora