Chapter 14

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Sarah POV
To say I was pissed would be an understatement. I stood there in shock

"Are you ok, Sarah?" Mary said

"Go into the front room. I'll be there in a minute." I look at Anna "kitchen now!"Once in the kitchen, I turn to Anna

"What the hell I told you it was just me and Darren today,"

"So," Anna says

"I had plans with you this week, and he respected that."

"After he threw a strop,"

"What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're choosing him over your friends,"

"I'm not. I'm making room in my life for him as well he is my boyfriend,"

"Oh my god ok ok he is your boyfriend,"

"What is this about? Cause your acting like a spoiled bitch"

"I set up this surprise and you call me a bitch nice Sarah real nice."

"You have put Darren in a real spot how can he say no Anna huh, I told him I love my friends and I wouldn't break my plans with any of you for him and you stamp all over his plans."

"It's not like he will be around for long"


"Oh come on you have given him your cherry what's left and who will be here to pick up the pieces? Me, that's who."

"Are you pissed because I have Darren?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think me and Mary should go," Janet says. I walk to the front room.

"No, no, please stay. I think it's about time everything came out." Anna walks in.

"See what you have done, Sarah made everyone uncomfortable on what should have been a nice day,"

"I don't think it's Sarah!" Alan says

"What?" Anna snaps

"We had plans you were happy with them until Sarah said about going on the boat, then you didn't want to do anything and called Mary and Janet."   

"Shut up, nobody asked you," Anna says

"ANNA!." I snap

"It's ok, Sarah. I'm going now, and in case you haven't picked it up yet, we are finished!" Alan smiles at the rest of us and leaves. Everyone is looking at Anna.

"What are you all looking at?"

"This isn't you. I don't know what's got into you?" She started laughing really laughing "God you are so stupid, Sarah. "

"I beg your fucking pardon"

"The others were so easy to get rid off." Anna snaps

"What are you talking about Anna?"

"I fucking love you Sarah I want you, I always have why do you think I begged my parents to let you live with us. I want to be the one you love, I want to fuck you, there now i said it I love you Sarah and not just like a friend."

"Oh  I don't love you like that your my best friend". Anna scoffs "Anna I can't give you what you want I'm straight, you will find a woman to make you happy, are you bi sexual?"

"No I'm a 100% woman! I know I told you I had sex with Alan and others, but I haven't. I've been waiting for you. Do you have a problem with me being gay?." Anna asks

"No, I don't it doesn't matter to me. you're my best friend," I say

"We should leave!" Mary says

"No, please don't it feels good to finally get this out. Unless you want to leave, " Anna says she looks so sad, and for the first time, I don't know what to do.

"I don't mind staying, and I don't feel any different about you," Mary says

"I'm the same. I don't feel any different either," Janet says

"Thanks, that means a lot," Anna says

"Sarah, I think I should go," Darren says. I'm about to answer when Anna speaks up.

"No, don't my secret is out now, and Sarah might need your help by the time I'm finished."


"Sarah I love you and when I was pretending it was ok cause you didn't know, but now I don't think living together will work I'm sorry, this house is mine so it's not like I can move out.  I want you to know I now know there is no chance for us it will never be the same again, I now need to learn to get over you" a tear slides down her cheek "I'm sorry Sarah I need you to move out and I need it done today" Anna says.

"Today! Oh wow ok if it's what you need, I better start packing. Mary, can we go to the shop and get some boxes, then I need to hire a van."

"Sarah baby stop I'll go with Mary to get the boxes, and I'll sort a van. You just pack what you can for now, u till I get back,"

"Ok," I go to my room, and it's like I'm  on auto pilot. Janet comes into the room.

"I'll help you. What do you need me to do?"

"Can you start helping me to empty the closet." Half an hour, Darren walks into my room he wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. Mary comes into my room as well and brings some boxes with her without having to say anything we soon have my room packed up, Steve arrives to help between him and Darren all the boxes are loaded up and I don't see them for about an hour. I potter around the rest of the house, packing my bits and bobs. I only have a few small boxes and I put them all by the door ready to go, standing in what use to be my room I suddenly want to burst into tears but I'll do that later in bed. Where am I sleeping? how can I go from looking forward to a date to being homeless?, I'm staying in here cause I don't know what to do I feel like in one day I have lost my home my friend. Suddenly, I'm mad I have done nothing, and yet I lose everything. I walk into the front room. Janet has Anna holding her while Mary is by my boxes, making sure I have everything.

"Can you drop my post at the bakery? I'll pick it up from there. I'll change my address straight away when I'm settled." Anna looks at me

"I am sorry, Sarah." I say nothing. What can I say it's ok when it's not.

"Are we still friends?" When I ask this question, she squints her eyes

"I don't think we can. I can't carry on like before, I'm sorry," Anna says

"Will you be ok on your own?" Anna puts her head down.

"Sarah Anna has asked me to move in with her, I'm due to renew my lease next week, but with things the way they are, you know." Janet says I feel so betrayed. I haven't even left yet, and I have to deal with this somewhere on my own, and with that, I snap.

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