04- Tsunade's training method

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After the confrontation with Bakugo and the teachers, Shin felt the obvious change.

The raging dog did not cause much trouble afterwards, in fact it looked like he was actively avoiding him, which Shin would never complain about.

The teachers also became more wary of him as they clearly understood that Shin wasn't joking about his threat of reporting Bakugo to the police.

From the teacher's perspective, he was a boy that had gone through a tough life for many years and was suddenly given a heavy blow by his own relatives. At this point, they felt that he was losing his patience and wouldn't hesitate to do something rash once annoyed.

They couldn't lose Bakugo. 

He was their ticket to fame.

They had fantasized about seeing the headline, 'The top hero, Bakugo Katsuki graduated from Aldera Junior High!' since they became aware of his flashy and destructive quirk.

How could they let such an opportunity slip by?

As for Midoriya... Shin really didn't know what to say.

He felt that the greenette was very different now. 

If in the show he was an innocent stuttering mess, now he seemed more like a white lotus.

Shin couldn't say how the change occurred but he knew for sure that the kid didn't like him.

Which he found weird since he had never actually interacted with him much.

Well besides the few times where he helped him with Bakugo but all be got in response was a fake smile from the latter so Shin stopped helping him.

He could sense that the boy was not very fond of him but to smile so brightly just because he heard something unfavorable had happened to him? That surprised him.

Shin was a bit taken aback by it but didn't dwell on it too much. 

He still needed to get his body used to the feeling of using his quirk. 

And to be honest, Midoriya's dislike for him would not affect him in any way so there was no need to give him more attention than needed.

"Let's try this now" 

Shin sat cross legged on the grassy plane filled with scorch marks residue from his previous training session.

He had already mastered Baal's powers to a wide extent and had moved unto controlling Barbatos.

Barbatos was a Djinn that specialized in strength magic.

His power shared a close resemblance to a special hero.

All Might.

But his was stronger.

When Shin took on his form, a silver spear was the weapon that accompanied him. 

[Djinn Barbatos- With this spear he is able to produce shock waves that are able to fly to far distances. 

These shock waves can come in the form of whatever attack is used for example if a punch is used, the shock waves would look like a massive air pressured bullet, similar to All Might's smashes, but if the spear was used it would like like a slash of compressed air sailing towards the target. 

Each shock wave is easily capable of changing the terrain and atmospheric surroundings.]

Shin was very excited to master Barbatos' strength magic as it would give him the advantage he needed.

Just imagine if he set off a punch similar to All Might for the whole world to see? 

Wouldn't he be deemed as the next All Might by the masses?

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