15- Just as the nature of Djinn's don't change, Minneta's don't change either

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Sachiko looked at his son and daughter in disbelief.

"You're joking"

He couldn't believe it.

He didn't want to.

But he also knew his kids had no reason to fool him like this.

"No dad Shin... he really made it into UA"

The news of Shin and Midoriya's enrollment into UA had caused a storm in both their school and community.

Neighbor's have been coming over to see their jokes.

The topic of how the Hayashi family had kicked out their second child and that same boy later got accepted into UA was the focus of discussion at every dinner table.

Sachiko was the most uncomfortable at this moment.

The kid I deemed as useless was now in the top hero school in the world.

I even personally kicked him out and legally cut off all ties with him.

"Fuck!" he slammed the bottle of wine unto the wall.

The wife wasn't fazed by his tantrum.

She sneered at her husband, "What possessed you into sending him away?"

"As expected, you can't do anything right!"

"Kicking out my precious second child, you monster"

She seemed to have forgotten how she once wept and begged her so called 'precious son' to stay away from them.

"Shut up you tramp!" 

"Oh don't you dare raise your voice at me"

Watching their parents fight, the pair of siblings just watch absentmindedly.

The youngest remembered how she leaked the news of Shin getting kicked out at school and how she even gloated at him.

The eldest thought back on how he used to lock Shin in a closet for days without food all because he showed up whenever his friends came over.

Both siblings said nothing but their expressions said it all.

Deep regret.


Shin was not aware of the drama going on in his old home and even if he did, he wouldn't care.

He had long moved on from that farce.

His focus was on the tall and unique architecture in front of him.

UA High School.

It was his second time here but this time was different.

Today he was here as an official student!

Shin suddenly felt that all the hours he spent trying to coax Zagan last night was not in vain.

Speaking of the tree hugging Djinn, progress has really been slow...

Usually, because Shin already got the past experience of the Djinn holder's his speed on mastering his abilities were abnormally fast.

But due to Zagan persistent rejection towards him, he could barely manage to make a leaf move.

It was the first time Shin had encountered a set back in the aspect of his quirk.

And honestly he was still lost on how to move forward from here on out.

Sighing to himself, Shin walked through the halls in search of his class.

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