32- USJ (3)

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"Sure enough..." Shigaraki, who was securely being held in place by the Nomu, looked at the scene behind him, "Quality is better than quantity."

In less than a minute, his legion had been submerged in the sea zone.

Some were desperately trying to stay afloat.

Others resembled a toddler as they held onto the ship for dear life.

It was obvious they did not know how to swim.

"Help me boss!"

"Ugh stop pulling me! You think I want to drown with you?"

"Damn it I said stop!"

Shigaraki: "..."

He was suddenly curious about Kurogiri's recruitment process.

Looking down at the water that was about to dampen his palms, he sighed in relief, "that was a close call."

On the other hand, Shin paid no attention to the bunch.

He looked at the man that had been reduced to a bloody pulp in front of him.

His head was lowered and no one could see his expression but from how his clenched fist trembled ever so slightly, his emotions were as clear as day.


Shin suddenly felt like all the pretentious acts he put on at the beginning were nothing but a joke.

Especially when he recalled his conversation with Aizawa at the end of the previous battle training exercise.

"I can't accept it," Shin solemnly put his hero costume on the desk.

Now that the battle training excercise was over, Shin had more than enough time to think things through.

He looked down at the bodysuit he had been given.

The latest GPS locator from I-island.

Multiple inbuilt weapons.

Nano-tech material.

AI assistant link.

It wouldn't take a genius to understand that this was way past UA's budget for fresh students.

After all, the first year was more or less an observation period.

Only when the school has gathered enough info and trust in a student will such preferential treatment be given.

As of right now, although Shin had left a good impression of the staff, it wasn't enough to gift him such valuable gear.

The only person capable of doing so was the man before him.

As for why Aizawa was so kind to him, Shin was just as confused.

He hadn't actually done much to warrant such favour from the hero.

And when his thoughts raced back to all the acts he had put on in front of his sensei at the beginning, Shin couldn't help bowing his head in guilt.

Aizawa's eyes narrowed at the sight of the costume on his desk.

He gave the purple haired boy a long stare before letting out a sigh.

"You know, you're smart," he reached out for the costume and shoved it back into the boy's arms, "But sometimes you tend to overthink things."

"I'm your teacher, is there something wrong with me ensuring your safety?"

"No but-"

"Or do you think that your life is of less value compared to this bodysuit?"

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