The Announcement

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Never in all my life would I have expected this. My Mate, whom I fully thought was an omega, the lowest of the low, was actually the complete opposite. Not only that but the rarest wolf known to date. The white wolf. She is a complete walking target so that much she had correct, but she should have told me. Her keeping this from me infuriated me all in its own right. Sadly, now the obstacle is my father.

Isabella may not be an omega, but my father holds grudges even more so than I do, and that says some shit. Though I have no doubt he will accept it. He will however be irate about the whole ordeal because of the issues she has caused thus far just by lying.

Once we arrived at the pack house, I nudged my head for her to follow me into the backyard. As we turned the corner I shifted and pulled out a pair of my jeans from the bin that we keep full of spare clothes and pulled them on.

"Here, all I have is one of my shirts but it should do fine temporarily."

I watched as she slouched a bit and turned her head.

"Well? Go ahead. You're my Mate so I'll be seeing everything pretty soon anyways. Plus ive already seen one of your bare asscheeks. Sadly nothing inbetween though."
I said with a sinister smirk.

She emitted a low and soft whine as she shifted and somehow managed to keep herself covered the entire time as she put on my shirt.

"Damn, what a shame. Though I'll enjoy revealing everything very soon."

With that I walked through the back door and I just know she was blood red in the face. She still managed to follow suit as we headed upstairs. Reaching the door to my father's office, I knock firmly twice and wait.

"Father, I need to speak with you it's urgent."

I heard his desk chair pop and squeak.
"Come in."

When I turn the nob and enter, I watch his expression go from flat and relaxed, to tense and slightly irritated.

"If she is here, I take it you rejected her finally?"

I furrowed my brows together in irritation at just the word reject. It now makes me angry by just the thought.

"No. Things have changed because there is.. information, that someone was keeping from us."

I have her a slight glare out of the corner of my eyes and she shifted nervously.

"And what might that be that has so drastically changed things?"

"She is not an omega. She had been lying and putting on a front because of a promise she made to her parents."

We both watched as he leaned forward, perching his elbows on his desk as his hands lay linked together, covering his mouth.

"How do we know that, that it's the truth? There's no reason to lie and give yourself such a sad title as an omega."

"That's because she is the white wolf. The lie was made when she was 15 to protect her. The reason she got taken days ago was because of this factor."

His eyes went wide as his whole demeanor changed. I could see Isabella out the corner of my eye almost trembling with fear, not knowing what's going to happen.

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