I What?!

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My eyes fluttered open as voices rang into my ears and light was flashed into my eyes.

"Is she okay?! What's going on?!"
I heard my Mate yell, or more so order for answers.

"It seems she is indeed pregnant but the fight must have caused great distress to the fetus. She could be having a miscarriage Alpha.."
I heard the doctor say.

"What.. how?.. I'm pregnant..?"
I barely could Usher out my words and they all looked at me worried.

"It's alright I'm here.."
My Mate assured and I gave him a small smile.

"I must advise that we move her to your room and set up so she can stay in bed. It may already be too late considering the bleeding."
I felt a sheet wrapped around me as my mate and the doctor picked me up and carried me upstairs to our room.

They placed me onto Kane and I's comfortable bed and watched me for a second before speaking again.

"I'm sorry Alpha and Luna.. I'll leave you both to rest. I will come in an hour to check the bleeding and any further distress to the fetus."
We both nodded at her as she left and I sighed, weak and mentally exhausted.

"I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't have let you fight!"
He buried his head into my hand after grabbing it to hold.

"Kane, you had no idea I was pregnant and neither did I.. it's neither of our faults. If we lose it we can try again another time. I wasn't ready to bare a pup to begin with cause there is so much that needed to be done with the war that went on."

"I know.. but it doesn't change the fact that it hurts.."
I sighed and rubbed his head softly, trying to comfort him. It's not that it doesn't make me sad but it wasn't planned so that attachment wasn't there from the start, and I never even knew which added to it. I will have his pup one day and happily.

Shortly after we heard a knock on the door.

"Alpha and Luna it's me, I'm here to check you again Luna and check the fetus."
I nodded and laid back.

"Alright spread your legs for me so I can check you."
I did as she asked and grabbed Kane's hand from being scared.

"It's okay baby just breathe."
He soothed me as she checked me and I didn't even notice I was holding my breath.

"Oh my.."


Hey guys! How would you guys like this story path to go? Should she still be pregnant or lose the baby?

Figured I'd make this story a little interactive!

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