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Today was the day. I was scared, I was stressed, I was angry. I didn't want anyone to get hurt from my pack, specially people I love and care about. Everyone had warm-up training an hour earlier than meet up time as well as we all ate. I barely ate, again. Eventually we all grouped up exactly where we were supposed to be and on time.

"Alright everyone! Now I know this is stressful and scary, but we will win this fight. We must protect each other and fight with all we've got. Remember the plans people and stick to them unless absolutely necessary. I hope the goddess is with all of us today, keeping us safe and guiding us. Now it's time to move out but be vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times! Let's move people." Kane's Father said. We all just gave slight nods and followed suit as we headed to the battle ground. 

After about an hour of walking, we finally arrived at the grounds and were met with a massive army. Artus's army was slightly smaller than ours, but the people he brought.. mainly were rogues.

"Ahh, and the lovely Kane appears. I Was starting to think you wouldn't come, then we would have attacked your pack while you were all home." Artus said mischievously.

"Our pack isn't weak Artus, so we won't be backing down. You still have time to change your mind though. You will not win Artus." My Mate said sternly. Artus scowled and let out a low growl.

"You take me as a fool Kane? Well let's see who's the fool when we win and you're lying dead beneath me, and I take your mate as my own!" He stopped speaking and looked at me with a sinister Grin.

"If she survives." He spat out with a growl. This set my Mate off and he charged forward, shifting mid sprint and attacking Artus head on.

"ATTACK!" Me and Kane's father yelled out. Everyone charged and shifted while others fought in human form. 

My first encounter was with a female wolf. We had both shifted and were circling each other. Low growls were coming from my chest, angry and full of adrenaline. She lunged and I dodged, quickly spinning to jump on her and pin her to the ground with my paws. She snapped up at me and I bit down on her front paw that was trying to scratch at me. I was strong but she was still stronger. My wolf was slightly smaller than most people's also, but I was a good distraction. I could see people out the corner of my eyes getting distracted by my wolf's solid white color before they are maulled on the ground and killed. I growled loudly and snapped my mouth forward to bite at the girls face, causing her to flinch and turn which is just what I wanted. As she turned Her head away to protect it I bit down on her exposed throat crushing it between my large canines, a single yelp leaving her as she went limp. Releasing her body I heard a deep howl of pain and my chest ached.

My Mate was in trouble.

As I turned to look, Artus had him pinned to the ground and was slashing at my Mates chest with his claws. I let out a loud growl as I ran to them, Biting at Artus's shoulder as I began to claw his face. I shook my head violently as I held onto his flesh, tugging and ripping skin as I did so. He quickly regained himself and bashed his head into mine making me loose my footing a bit and next thing I knew I was flying across the ground from a hard kick to the side.

"Stupid girl! You are weak and pathetic. To think you are the white wolf and a sad excuse of one at that. Funny, your mate would have killed me already. He's the largest wolf ever seen apart from his father. The bloodline is strong, but I laced my claws in poison before coming here. Sadly his blood washed it all away but he can't move now. It has a paralytic and it could even kill him depending on his reaction to the poison." He gave an evil tooth filled Grin.

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