Awakened Feelings

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When I woke up the sun was blaring through a half-octagonal window in front of me that had a sitting nook and a soft cushion to accompany it. As soon as I moved, a wave of nausea hit me making me stumble to my feet and run to the bathroom that I noticed adjacent to the window nook. Slamming the bathroom door open with a loud thud, I opened the toilet lid and released every drop of lingering alcohol that was left in my very unhappy stomach with a groan. After a few coughs from the gagging and disgust, I threw up again, only this time I wasn't alone. A very muscular hand reached forward and held my hair back, sending a tingle down my spine at his touch.

"You okay there party animal?" He snickered lightly. All I could utter was a groan as we sat in silence for a few minutes till I spit, finally flushing the toilet and closing the lid.

"It was fun, but I think I'm good on drinking for a while... and I really need a toothbrush."

After standing up and taking a swig of water in my mouth and swishing it around, I spit it into the sink. I tried as much as I could to get rid of some of the disgusting taste.

"Let's go back to the Pack house and clean up." He said.

I nodded and we began to head out of our new home, stealing a few glances back at it before it was engulfed by the trees. A smile pursed on my lips. I was happy but didn't know if it would last. The world was cruel in many ways but everyone had to endure these times in life. It was part of life. We arrived at the front of the pack house and as soon as we got in the front door a warm hugging mother was way too excited to see me. She squeezed me tightly which made me groan from slight nausea and she let up.

"I take it the party animal is Hungover?" I raised a brow.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" She smirked.

"Oh please dear, you are the future Luna and that was your announcement party. You're the talk of the pack and we have over 1,000 pack members. Everyone's calling you that and you also made an amazing first impression with how you handled the mate finding spurt. You already are very loved."

My face turned red and I glanced over at Kane who was grinning from ear to ear. He seemed proud to have me as a mate. It's still all confusing considering how he treated me just cause I was an omega. I was his mate he should have wanted me either way, but the past can't be changed. All he can do is make it up to me now by how he treats me. This is the last chance I will give him.

"I'm glad that they do. Honestly, I was really nervous and scared considering how I acted when I first arrived here."

"Well, I'm sure no one even remembers anymore about whatever you are talking about."

His mom sounded a bit confused and began to look me over closely and raised her brows.

"Kaaaane.. now why isn't she marked!" I turned blood red and looked away. Kane didn't miss a beat.

"She will be, very soon." He grinned.

"Alright, because you know after last night she's a target until you do. Male wolf's can be so disgraceful towards morals and modesty. Also the red moon is soon. It may be a few days early."

He shook his head.

"Okay mother I get it. Plus I'll be more than happy to take care of her during the Blood moon." I raised a brow.

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