~Chapter 5~

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I stand up looking over the table and make sure all my belongings are with me before I step away. I look out of the window and sigh in relief at the dark sky with no rain yet. It will probably rain in a while so I should try to get back home soon because I have no umbrella and no coat. I pat myself down and look up meeting eyes with none other then Jimin as he gives me a kind eye-smile puffing his cheeks out. I still for a moment as he turns around when someone calls him and I don't want to call him while he is busy or keep anyone from a free spot so reach for my bag taking out my new notebook.

With a sore heart for my new book I rip a page out that has a little bear on the end of the page and write down a quick note. I quickly write down that it was an amazing experience being here and to give compliments to the chef/baker and that it was really nice meeting such a friendly person. I also included that I would definitely be returning soon and put down the money I still owed in the paper as I fold it. I push my book and my pen back in my bag looking up seeing Jimin turn his head slightly my way as he helps the customer.

Not wanting to disturb him I mouth 'table' at him giving him a warm smile and a wave as I leave. I see him want to move but he doesn't want to disrespect the customer so he helps them until they are done. I reach the door opening it and get nearly knocked over by the cold breeze hitting me and burning my cheeks.

Wow the weather drastically took a turn in a short time span but I'm not complaining, I love cold weather and it fits with today but I probably will complain when I start feeling the numbing pain of becoming a frozen meat potato. I huff rubbing the sleeves of my sweater and stomp my feet lightly to somehow find more heat. I turn my head to look back into the café to just catch Jimin walking away from the customer to my table and I smile before deciding it's time to walk away.

I push my hands into my pockets trying to stop the wind from attacking it with coldness as I hum while stroling down the sidewalk. There seems to be less people out now which I guess is from the fact that it has gotten colder and will start raining very soon. I should probably move faster if I don't want to be caught in the rain getting myself sick, now that would just be the cherry on top if I get sick today.

I lose myself in my thoughts once again not really paying attention to where I'm going since my feet decided to take a longer way home which I know I'll regret but now thinking about going home spending my time at there with my overwhelming mind after that peaceful time at the café just feels like I'm falling back into reality after waking up from a perfect dream where I'm really happy. Perhaps I can change the curse I live under each day if I spend more time at the café...well it's a good thing I was already planning on visiting often. Letting my feet move freely I let my mind lose focus again and unfortunately makes me not notice the small ball of fur on paws running towards me until I almost trip over it.

A gasp escapes me as I fail to catch myself but succeed in avoiding falling onto the culprit that made me trip by falling to the side. I groan trying to push myself up with my elbows and frown feeling a soft furlike touch on my face. I squint trying to find the little culprit but my eyes widen as my gaze lands on a small dog wagging it's tail in front of me. My first reaction should be to be wary of the unkown dog but seeing it's energetic way of friendly greeting me I let my guard drop. I tilt my head seeing the friendly dog as it let's out little barks wagging its tail while I am still amazed how the little dog managed to almost give me an humiliating death story. The small black and tan pomeranian moves closer to my face and sniffs it while I stay frozen in my position not sure if I should move away since I'm still scared of the random dog even if it is small.


My head shoots up at the loud shout and my eyes double in size seeing the frantic running of panicking tall male. His dark brown wavy hair bounces as he frantically searches around until he freezes once his eyes land in my direction. His eyes go wide as he sets his sight on the dog and starts running towards us. The little dog in front of me let's out an excited bark at the unknown male that yelled and it waves it's fluffy tail happily. I guess that's he is the owner?

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