~Chapter 14~

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I sigh as I stare at the bus stop. Last time I was way too early at the café but today I might be a little bit early. Okay I'm 10 minutes later than last time. It's okay though because I know they are open but just not as busy as they become later in the morning.

But then again I'm left in the dilemma I find myself. I may have woken up at a time where the bus is not available right now so I have to walk once again. I'm not complaining about walking but today I'm wearing a dress and the wind really isn't on my side. I blame Aera though since she was the one who pushed me back in my room this morning telling me I need to dress cute to meet my friends.

Even after I told her that I dressed cute in my opinion she still told me she didn't want to hear it and that led to me wearing a long dress that is still flowy enough for the wind to bother me too much. I am wearing black shorts under it though so no flashing will be taking place anyway. I should have fought back harder but it's too late to go back now and change. I just hope I run into no problems on the way to the café.

I hold onto the sides of my dress as I press my bag into my side as I walk down the street. It's a fairley busy street with a few people walking but when I look back behind me something catches my attention. I slow my walk as I try to identify what is happening as a tall man is running looking exhausted as he rushes through the people while apologizing even if he doesn't even bump into them. I still walk forward as I look behind me when he draws closer to where I am. I eventually turn my head back to look infront when I freeze in my steps as my eyes go wide.

I just almost tripped over the small but deep dent in the sidewalk. It's not visible unless you step closer and pay attention but if you don't see it your foot can get stuck and you trip forward which would be extremely painful as the sidewalk ends here and you fall face first into the curve where the street meets.

They really need to fix this because this is really dangerous! What would happen if someone didn't see it because they weren't paying attention just like I almost did right now? I can just image the pain someone would feel if they were busy running and at that speed I would be afraid-


At the realisation of my words I turn over as quick as I can but just to be met with the man who was running literally almost near me. At the speed he is going it would be to late to yell at him because he won't even process my words when he runs past me.

I still need to try or do something!


I yell but my reflexes catch in as he runs and is less then a foot away from me. I don't even know how it was possible but I grabbed his arm shocking us both as he stumbled to the side into me.


We stumbled until my feet couldn't hold on to my movements and I fell backwards, luckily the opposite direction of where I was walking, but I wasn't lucky as the wide eyed man fell onto me. I could feel my lungs and all my organs being crushed from inside at the speed the tall and fully grown man fell on me. The back of by dress rides up a bit exposing the upper part of my calves as it feels like it gets scratched by the ground letting little pins and needles of pain shoot through me.

It feels like I'm being crushed by a building! Why is his shoulders so large?! I'm not even that small but I feel like an ant underneath a human shoe. Is this how ants feel? Do they also see the light each time they see the heave foot on the way to step on them?

I groan from the pain as I open my eyes being met with wide dark brown eyes.

Well hello stranger?!

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