~Chapter 11~

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Oh fluffy ducks...what have I done...

I stare at the man who hold his side in pain with wide eyes feeling my body go numb as I see the extremely familiar phone in his hand.

There you go again Eun-hye! Hitting the man with your bag hard when all he wanted to-

Wait then why was he silently following me?

I squint at him which catches his attention making him tilt his head confused making his black hair softly move along with the movements of his head.

Wow why can't my hair be so- focus Eun-hye!

I hold my face straight before clearing my throat pointing at my phone. "Why were you silently following me? If you wanted to give me back my phone then why chase after me in such a suspicious way?" I ask raising my brows at him still weary about him.

His eyes go wide and he gives me a guilty smile before moving his hand from his side he was clutching to rubbing his neck with a slight wince.

"I know how this looks really I do. I am sorry that was a really dumb thing to do but I somehow thought that yelling out that I have your phone would scare you. I wanted to call you but I was waiting for the right moment until well...yeah..."

"And you thought I wouldn't be scared if you silently followed me?" I ask and he drops his head in apology.

Wow and I thought I was the one who made weird decisions....

I sigh frowning lightly at the man. I can't deny the stranger is really handsome and tall. The fact that he somehow looks so big yet has the most innocent expression on his face right now makes my mind confused on what to do next. I'm going to trust my gut this time to believe him since he didn't lie about my phone and he looks sincere...

If this was a TV series then he would either be the stalker who followed the girl around without her noticing or the next love interest for the girl- HAHA imagine

I cough as I unintentionally laugh making the stranger lift his head tilting it confused.

"Oh sorry sorry I didn't laugh at you, I was laughing at my inner monolog sorry!" I give a small bow and cringe at how weird this has just turned. Hopefully the man doesn't think I'm a weirdo...but I mean he was the one who followed me quietly so I guess we are kinda even.

I cleared my throat and he let's out a soft laugh shaking his head. He stretched out his hand and before I could even think of reacting he flips his hand open with the phone resting on his open hand.

"No worries miss, a person's inner thoughts sometimes takes control. Kinda like my inner voice thought it would be rude to just call out to you but mine was just extremely wrong" He laughs and when two deep dimples pop out I can't help but smile back revealing my own. His eyes softened at seeing me smile and I reached my hand taking my phone.

"Thank you sir, I mean this was probably the weirdest thing to happen to me today but still funny. Thank you for being a kind person to return my phone and walking all the way to me." I say with a small head bow.

"No need to thank me miss, you can just call me Namjoon. I was waiting for my soulmate or should I say boyfriend when I saw you walking out and your phone falling out. I know a phone is a valuable possession which nobody would want to lose so I tried to give it back to you...and well this happened" He chuckled rubbing his side and I grimace at the sight.

I really hit him hard didn't I...wow my mom would be so proud- not the point focus Eun-hye!

I'm so sorry about hitting you so hard Namjoon-ssi. Are you okay? I didn't think the bag would do much damage but I guess with everything inside it did more then I first thought" I smile apologetically but he shakes his head with a smile.

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