~Chapter 51~

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~Yoongi pov~

Madness...this is madness....

I stare blankly ahead of myself as I try to process what in the world is happening right at the moment since nothing, absolutely nothing makes sense right now as I stare at the full length mirror in Hoseok's room trying to make sense of what I'm seeing while not focusing on the way my hand shakes while my fingers trace the details of my soulmark.

It's impossible...this has to be fake...how could it...how could it possibly have changed?

My soulmark didn't look like this and no matter the smallest change I know after looking at it for years and seeing it on all my soulmates that it doesn't look the same anymore. My soulmark that used to be only a beautiful purple blooming flower with 6 little dark purple stars on the corners spread evenly on all the petals surrounded by tiny little leaves after meeting all my soulmates leaving the once grey stars now purple is different.

I know that not all soulmarks look the same and some can hold colour while others are just different shades of grey which just shifts to a darker or lighter shade once meeting your soulmates and forming the bond but I always loved the colour in ours bursting with colour yet this also just shows I know how my soulmark looks by heart now.

This...this is different....

I look sharply at the point my finger is pressed on that doesn't belong there. The extra flower that sprouted out of nowhere doesn't belong here and the fact that is a lilac purple colour blending in perfectly with the main purple flower with the exact same pattern of stars blending with stem of the flower. The stars are also coloured like the others and it feels like an illusion seeing the soulmark look so distictively different that I don't know if my mind is really making me imagine it.

My heart slowly starts to speed up as I bite down on the inside of my cheek not knowing what emotion is the main focus in my mind and heart while tracing my fingers over the mark.

Fear? Is it fear of what it means?

"No no it can't mean anything...why..why would a soulmark even change and how?" I whisper under my breath as something in my memory flashes making a cold shiver run down my spine almost like a bucket of ice is thrown over my head leaving the burning coldness to stretch over my skin.

There is one part of my mind that wants to throw any theory regarding the thought away for everyone's sake but it was the reason I even felt the strong urge to look at my soulmark since I knew something felt odd and out of place inside me.

This new development of a new part of my soulmark is most definitely concerning but the most concerning thing is the way I felt an all too familiar feeling not even a few hours ago at the restuarant when I acccidently bumped into someone on my way back to the table where all my soulmates were sitting enjoying our date night.

It was a short moment but something I tried my best to shove in the back of my mind as something that was just my imagination but I know the feeling I had since I experienced it simply 6 times already with all of my soulmates when we first made contact.


"No, no there is a reasonable explanation. I've probably been staring too much at my own drawings that I misjudged how my soulmark looks or this is probably a strange update in our soulmark proving our bond got stronger?"

I bite down hard on the inside of my cheek as my mind even turns against the thought of turning a blind eye to what my real thoughts are of the situation.

Could it be because of the person I walked into- no no it was also just my imagination who it was...

Yeah no I'm not so blind to believe in any of those reasons....

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