~Chapter 37~

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♡Eun-hye pov♡

"I miss you so much here Eunie~ the quiet house really isn't the same" I laugh as Aera complains through the phone while I cross my legs to sit more comfortably on the grass in my backyard.

"It's only been 4 days since I've been gone Aera and in those 4 days you have both complained and talked happily to me about how you enjoy a quiet house. You should enjoy your calm days at home since this will probably be the last time in a while you are getting the place all to yourself" I smile as she huffs on the other end before her smile betrays her.

"Fine it's not that bad but I still miss you without a doubt. It feels weird being alone though but I guess working and spending time with the guys have kept me busy when I started missing you" She shrugs and I nod understanding the feeling.

"But anyway how is it going on your side? You look a lot brighter today and it's not just the fact that you are sitting outside in the sun" I laugh a little before settling with a small smile as I thought about the last 4 days being back in my parents' home staying in my childhood room.

"It hasn't changed much from when you asked me yesterday but I feel better each day you know? It's been amazing and relaxing. My parents and I have been catching up on missing time and I feel calmer here while I am preoccupied taking care of my mom's cats. It's nice not constantly thinking about everything that happened...I mean I still do think of it and feel sad but connecting with the place I grew up in has been making me remember all the good times and accepting that it is a part of my past..." I bite down on my lower lip as I feel myself becoming a bit emotional as I think back on how hard I cried seeing my parents again even if we didn't talk much about the recent troubles and how much I cried when I stepped inside my old surroundings once again. It isn't the same house I lived in before I left but it is the house I grew up in that holds equally just as much memories if not more.

Aera called me that night and that's how she supported me from far away and honestly I can say that even if it doesn't feel like I've been gone long it still feels like I've ran away from my troubles since I feel so calm here. It's a hard thing to swallow since I hate running away but how can I not love being away from the feelings of hurt, confusion and guilt? I'm still battling against my mind and heart but atleast now I can process it all in the comfort of not being afraid I'm going to be hurt the second I step outside my house and run into one of them or one of them stop by my house. Here I can cry and just be okay without holding back.

"I'm happy you feel better Eun-hye. I can see it on your face too that going outside is also helping you" I break out of my thoughts as I look back at Aera who is smiling softly at me.

"It really is..." I reply as I finally feel honest about my current feelings. I still have a long way to go for my heart and mind to be healed but it's a start and I'm willing to hold onto it as much as possible.

"But anyway is there any news on your side? You told me yesterday your friends asked you to hang out today aswell? You all are hanging out a lot recently so is everything still going well?" I ask her and I watch curiously as her smile widens.

"Oh! It's going great! I'm actually going to hang out with them in an hour or so but it's funny how it feels like I've known them for so long while it has only been a while. All 8 of them are great people and they have also heard every single complaint I've had about the people I've grown to despise so if they sticked through me talking like a crazy person then I trust we are going to have a wonderful friendship" Aera beams at me and I can't help my smile that forms seeing her so happy.

A small part of me was suspicious of it all even though the guys seemed nice and seemed like they didn't treat Aera differently even if they are all soulmates but a small voice in the back of my head felt like I should be cautious since the situation hit extremely close to home except for the whole Jungkook coming back part.

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