~Chapter 24~

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Okay Eun-hye deep breathes and relax!

Yes you can do this!

"You are a brave young lady who will forget-"

"Um not to interrupt you but what are you doing?" I turn my head towards the door as I see Aera looking at me with raised eyebrows while I stand frozen at the realisation I was caught hyping myself up.

Oh well she saw me crying in my breakdown so this is definitely not the worst thing she has seen this week

"I'm trying to relax and stop my overthinking mind from messing up with my emotions. I hate being excited over today while being scared and now joined in I am still completely heartbroken and trying to wipe yesterday and the day before from my memory but yeah. Thought it would be easier since it's been 5 years and I thought I learned more emotional control but guess I was wrong."

I sigh as she shakes her head coming into the room before pulling me into a hug away from the wall I was talking to. After eating breakfast yesterday the whole day felt like a blurry mess of tears and unshed tears that was just bundled up in flashbacks that I couldn't get out of my mind. All the emotions just hit after the small calm moment me and Aera had but as soon as the silence came after the explanation it was almost like there was an emotional wreck button that was pushed.

If it wasn't for Aera I am sure I would still be crying in my bed like I actually want to but I'm sure Aera and the guys would be even more concerned if I go back into my bubble I went into years ago so just for the sake of everything I'm trying to not let this affect me.

Well let it show on the outside since I really just want to cry in the shower BUT WE MOVE ON!

"Eun-hye you know I didn't exactly mean that you should bottle it up and try to wipe it from your mind. I just want you to enjoy today with your friends after the stressful incident. I know I encouraged you a lot to still go today but if you-"

"No no I want to go! I..." I sigh as I lean more into her hug while shaking my head.

"No matter how much I try I know I will probably just come back tonight and cry once again about it but life goes on and I can't stop my life once again for the exact same reason. I'm tired of always taking steps back and now that I have more friends I don't...I don't want to lose them too." I blink away the tears that gathered in my eyes as I break our hug and she pats my head before smiling at me.

"Okay but promise me you won't fake that you aren't affected by it all and don't be afraid to ask me for support okay?" I nod as I smile widely at her while she pats my cheeks shaking her head.

"You are too cute to be crying so much you know." I roll my eyes playfully as she chuckles before speaking again.

"On another note I did message my mom last night asking her if she knew and she told me that she didn't know anything at all so that was a relief." I shrug smiling lightly as I feel the relief once again knowing that they wouldn't lie to me even if our relationship is a bit strained.

Another reason why I need to move on from what happened because I'm finally talking to my parents more after it all...

The world certainly had it's timing!

"That's great news atleast yeah. I mean perhaps he was just visiting here anyway? Maybe he doesn't even live here and you won't ever see him again." Aera smiles at me trying to see the positive side as I shift into two sides of my thoughts.

That should sound amazing to me but why do I still feel this pain knowing I might not see him again-


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