~Chapter 30~

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~Seokjin pov~

Another day....

I sigh holding my knees to my chest as I rest my head on them while I stare out of the window of my room lost in my thoughts. It's been a week, a whole week after everything that happened. It hasn't been that long honestly yet it feels like everything has been going on for a whole month. With all the drama we went through I am surprised I am still sitting so calmly on my bed and not feeling the urge to get up on my day off.

A complete difference from the me a week ago....

I rub my hand over face as I feel my energy drain even if I just woke up from hours of sleep. I feel mentally and emotionally exhausted at this point at the atmosphere in the house.

Everything feels the same but at the same time there is a tense air that is just waiting to pop at any second and I know for a fact what it is yet I can't find it in myself to approach the topic either especially not with Jungkook.

Oh Jungkook....

I bite down on the inside of my cheek as I think of my youngest soulmate making my heart ache once again. All of this drama that could have been avoided if it was handled correctly yet here we are.

Years ago was a hard time for us when we met him. It was hard when we had to compete with his ex to finally get a place in his heart as his soulmates. I remember wanting that memories to vanish from my mind how we all shed a lot of tears before we could be happy together and how many times we had arguments but thankfully it only made us all stronger.

Now it all feels like a repeat of years ago but the only difference is that he is with us and the non-present ex is now present and someone that I can't even see as an enemy or the villian of the whole story.

No that would just be unfair to point all fingers at her to blame her for everything that is happening. Do I wish we had never met her? Maybe I do but I'm still not sure since I still miss her friendship even if it wasn't for long.

All these feelings and thoughts feel buried in my mind from keeping them to myself at this point. I wish I could share my thoughts with my soulmates but I feel like it would possibly cause a small rift if we all start stating our honest opinions and I can clearly imagine how the sides would be.

Jungkook would back up Eun-hye 100%.

Jimin, Hoseok and me would probably not feel hatred towards her and hear her out from what I've seen.

Namjoon, Yoongi I am unsure about...

Taehyung....oh he is a completely different story...

I huff thinking of Taehyung as I move my eyes away from the window as I stare at the bedroom door knowing I am alone in the house today with everyone out. Jimin and Hoseok has dragged Jungkook with them to join in working at the café since he has time off, Yoongi is working aswell just like Namjoon and Taehyung are which leaves me alone after greeting them all earlier.

Taehyung is the one harbouring the most hate towards the situation and I feel like I can understand that. I felt how he does the first 3 days after all this happened but as the oldest I tried to think of both perspectives and put in how everyone reacted.

On the other side I know there is more to why he is reacting so badly and I can't help but worry about it since it's clear he is half blinded by more worry and fear which is disguised as hatred but I just hope it doesn't go too far. His heart is soft and when he lets someone in he doesn't take it well when things go bad which is ptobably the case with how fast he made friends with Eun-hye but now he is protecting Jungkook not only from being scared but also the past fears returning of the fact who Eun-hye is to Jungkook.

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