~Chapter 47~

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The silence in the room feels suffocating as my mind blanks throwing a dark blanket over my mind before ripping it off to show the still extremely real soulmark that stays stuck in my vision.

My mind even muddles over the distant voice that is next to me as I know that Aera is speaking but it still feels unreal to think of anything and even if I try to attempt to listen to a word she is saying it still feels like a strange dream with no logic to it at all.


It is real, my soulmateless best friend who is like a sister to me and shares my pain in the life of having no soulmark now suddenly....has a soulmark.


"Is it real?" I blurt out feeling dumbed down and look into her eyes that now meet mine again that looks still as red and teary as when I entered the room if not even more teary. It's not the smartest question to even ask first since I know the odds of her saying no is close to impossible seeing no reason as to why it would be fake yet it does seem likely more possible than the absurd truth.

"Yeah....100% real" I hold my breath just waiting for her to tell me she is joking or that she is unsure but when nothing follows I let out a sharp breath looking at her with wide eyes not sure how I am feeling at the moment about the reveal seeing her distraught face.

I...I feel like I should be happy for her but the shock is too much and....just how?

Aera takes a deep shaky breath as she runs a hand through her hair before pressing her lips into a thin line as she stares at the door looking lost in thought.

"We need to talk...I promise...there are explanations but not all of them which I can give with my head still buzzing from it all but...this is serious Eunie and it includes us both"

Her voice turns sad as she looks back at me again and I feel the frown forming on my face and the way my heart speeds up again knowing that whatever I find out now about the shocking soulmark will be much worse than I could imagine.

I have a bad feeling....


The silence drags out as the two of us sit next to each other nursing a cup of tea not speaking until the other one starts speaking. As curious and mind numbingly scared I am to find out I can't find the words to start and can't find any words to ask what is happening after what she said.

This is serious....but how serious?

I curl my fingers around the cup that is in a line between too hot and just comfortably hot enough to keep my mind present and not panic.

I'm so...so confused....

"I...I guess I should probably start explaining everything right?" Aera brakes the silence making me look up as she unconciously traces the newly exposed soulmark with her finger as she looks at the wall unfocused and lost in thought.

I don't interrupt as she sighs shaking her head before letting out an unamused chuckle. "Aish this is the last thing I thought would happen in our lives now but I guess life simply doesn't like a smooth path in our life. I thought that if I had more time to process and accept it before speaking it would get better but nothing feels better yet with reality hitting hard. It's hard to say since...well I still need to process the fact that a few days ago I had no soulmark and now..." She shakes her head letting her head drop.

"Now I have one and the reason just makes me want to scream and cry for the injustice we all have to face because some people decide it's better off like this and-" When she raises her head again I see the tears trailing down her cheek as her face twists in frustration and sadness.

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