~Chapter 41~

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♡Eun-Hye pov♡


Very...very strange...

That is the only words that pops up in my mind as I sit infront of the freckled man in front of me with a small smile as his gaze flickers between the two people in a conversation as I sip on my milkshake observing my surroundings. It almost feels the same way than the first time I met them but more in a comfortable way since I've gotten to know them.

I can't understand fully why I find it strange but know with having met all of Aera's friends on the first weekend of being back home which was only last week and now hanging out with them all for the 3rd time since the official meeting there is a few things I got from getting to know them. They are all incredibly welcoming, friendly, loud, kind, accepting and funny. I am relieved to know all 8 of them are looking like they are really great people who are great friends to Aera.

Even from my short observations I feel like I am likely right about what I think of them but there is only one thing that has stuck out almost like a sore thumb that I have definitely realised at each of our meetings and it just feels more obvious to me even if I don't want to believe without any real evidence that my thoughts feel a little too realistic.

They treat Aera like she is part of theit soulbond but just with no romantic touches or words...

It's....strange and really questionable....

I don't know why but I just can't stop questioning and observing since I was sceptical when I first realised and instant panic settled from the past in my heart. I tried to misjudge it as still being on high alert with problems from returning home and being wary with other people but I know it isn't that now plus I haven't broken down crying over memories once since being home so I don't want to blindly just blame my mind for making things up.

My immediate reaction was to raise my guards ready to stand by Aera's side if I saw anything going wrong wuth any signs of jealousy or anger pointed at Aera. I am ready to protect her from anyone just like she protects me and helps me through my hard times. There is no way I am going to sit back and watch her heart shatter so I made sure to stay alert and observe with my best attempt at still not judging them blindly.

I know the main reason for my real fears were from my own experience of being hurt by people that I thought were going to be in my life much longer but I just don't want her to go through any pain with a group that are soulmates like I did even though I know there are a lot of different factors.

Like one of them isn't her ex so that's a good thing....

I am happy I didn't act on first instinct or just tell Aera immediately because my concerns shifted more into confusion and worry as I saw it all in front of my eyes. I saw how they treat a friend against a soulmate especially since I could easily see how they treat me and how they treat Aera along with each other.

It's....a strange difference and I don't know how to feel...

"-un-hye are you okay?" I startle out of my thoughts as I blink a few times seeing Felix now looking at me as I see in the corner of my eye Aera turn towards us aswell.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you I just saw that were a bit lost in thoughts and wanted to know if you were okay" He gives a sheepish smile and I instantly shake my head giving him a small smile in return. I didn't even realise I got to focused on my thoughts to have zoned out like that.

"No I'm okay, no need to apologize I was just thinking about something and I guess I got a little too lost. Did you say something that I missed perhaps?" I ask hoping I didn't look as if I was deliberately tried to ignore him since even though I'm highly suspicious I still believe they are nice people.

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