Chapter 3

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I stirred in my bed. Oh, how I loved my bed, so soft and big and warm. I didn't want to wake up. To be fair, I never wanted to wake up. But I had to work. 

I went to pull up my covers when I felt it. The agonizing pain. And it all came flooding back.

I shot open my eyes and looked around. I wasn't in the forest anymore. But panic rushed over me as I realized I had no idea where I was. This wasn't my room, I wasn't on my bed either. I looked around the room. It was spacious, I could see at least two doors, a chimney, and a big window. I took note of these, just in case. As I sat up a grunt of pain escaped me as my arms went to grip the wound on my side. It had a bandage on. 

There was a mirror on the foot of the bed, on which I saw my battered face. It was swollen and bruised. I could barely recognize myself. My deep skin looked lifeless, my brown eyes dull. My hair looked like a mess of curls, instead of how I normally kept it- I had a rigorous hair care routine that I followed religiously- One of the things my nana taught me before she passed away was to always look my best. I almost felt like I was disappointing her.

I slowly remembered what happened last night, the memories deeply terrifying me.

My legs were sore, and except for a few cuts here and there that didn't look so bad, everything was okay. I wondered if I had freaked out a bit and exaggerated. But I was pretty sure it was worse. 

"You've woken up! I'm so glad" the small voice came from the side of the bed. I just know she wasn't here a moment ago. I yelled, unsure of what else to do. A woman appeared, she was small, pale, and looked quite fragile. She carried a tray with some food.

"Melody! Are you ok? "A woman looking exactly like she appeared at her side. Twins, identical. Even though my body protested I got up and tried to place enough distance between us. "Oh, for heaven's sake, you scared her! Go call the Luna, tell her the girl's awake" and without saying anything the first girl nodded, left the tray on a bedside table, and left.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I said, still unsure if I could trust these people. I mean, I don't remember how I got attacked, but someone must have done it.

"My name is Melanie, and you are in the pack house," she said with a calming smile as if what she just said made any sense.

"What is--" I was about to ask what the hell she was talking about when she spoke.

"Melanie, you are confusing the poor girl even more," the melodious voice said, one I hadn't heard before. And as I turned to look at her I saw a girl. She couldn't have been older than 19. She was beautiful, she had the most unique blue eyes, with a hint of lilac. Her white skin had small freckles over the bridge of her nose. Her hair was brown and was braided with some sort of golden accessory that made her look like some sort of princess. Was I rescued by a cult?

"Ignore what she just said," she said with a slight smile. Something about her made me want to do as she wished. "You have been through a lot, I'm sure. You just woke up in a place you don't know and with people you have never seen. You must be scared. So I'd like to make a promise to you, as long as you are here, under my protection, no one will harm you " she said as she slowly sat on the end of the bed, the flowy dress she was wearing blending in with the white comforter. "I know you are reluctant to trust us, so I'll start by telling you my name. I am Selene, and these are Melody and Melanie, they help out around here." She smiled.

I had never met someone so adorable, kind, and comforting. It seemed like she was a ray of sunshine. Though she spoke with authority and walked with grace her vibe and attitude were just cute and calming. All of this combined with her round face and chin dimple made her look like a child.

"I'm sorry, where am I?" I asked.

"In my house," she said calmly"Now, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but, what is your name?"

I saw no harm in them knowing my name "Diana Carter" I responded. "I... How did I get here?"

"Well, my ma- err, I mean, husband, found you in the woods. It was evident you were hurt and the closest hospital was still very far away, so he brought you here." Husband? This girl looked younger than me. "We patched up your wounds and took the liberty of getting you those clothes." The girl named Selene spoke. I looked dow at the delicate sleeping gown they had put on me. It was loose and very comfortable

"I really appreciate that, I honestly thought I was going to die and... that wolf--" the twins - Melody and Melanie, I suppose- jolted and Selene spoke again.

 "You must want to know where you are, You are still in British Columbia, close to Miracle. Though... May I ask, what were you doing in these woods? No one usually ventures this far"

"I..." I tried to remember but that headache came back "Miracle? The last thing I remember is I was back in Vancouver" I closed my eyes, why would I come here? I had never been to Miracle before. I had no reason to. "What day is it?" I had to at least let the patients know I couldn't make it.

"It's Friday," Melody said. I sagged in relief. Friday was my day off.

"Then you must have come a long way..." She sighed "Do you remember who attacked you? What did they look like? We went to the police station but didn't have enough details" I had no idea, none. The more I tried to think the worse headache I'd get. "It's okay if you don't, my husband and his brother went looking, but it seems whoever did this was long gone." She looked disappointed."Oh! I almost forgot!" She pulled out her phone and handed it to me "My husband said that you didn't have a phone with you, and though the signal isn't the best, I thought you should call your family, they must be worried about you" she stood up "Oh, and after you are done with that you should eat something" she pointed to the tray on the table. She gave me one last smile and left with what I suppose were her maids.

Well, I had to admit I wasn't worried anymore. If they wanted to kill or kidnap me they wouldn't have handed me a phone. They gave me a location and even patched up my wounds. Feeling relieved, I picked up the phone and dialed the hospital. In what I believe was a try to give me privacy the twins swiftly exited the room.

"St. Aurelia General,  how may I help you?"

"Hello, can you redirect me to the psychiatric department?"

"Hold please"

 "Hello?" I smiled at the familiar voice.

"That is not how you are supposed to answer the phone, Maggie," I said with a laugh.

"Dr. Carter? Hey!"

"Yes, I just called to let you know I probably won't be able to make it on Monday," I said.

"I know, you are taking some personal time"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Yes, you took a month off didn't you?" I honestly had no idea what she was talking about. Why would I take time off? 

"I... did I say why?" 

"No...Dr. Carter, is everything ok?" It obviously wasn't but a psychiatrist with amnesia was like a clown with depression. I was afraid it might hurt my reputation if I admitted I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Y-yes, don't worry, I have to go, see you around Maggie" I hung up the phone and practically threw it on the bed. I paced anxiously even though I knew that would be of no use. 

I spotted the mirror and lifted up my gown to check on the main wound. I had started bleeding through the bandage so I decided to change it. I had seen that one of the doors led to the hall, so if I assumed correctly the other one led to a bathroom. I was right. I removed the gauze and gasped at what I saw.

I had assumed a human had attacked me, but what I saw no person could do. It was a bite, a huge beast-like bite. Did a bear attack me? A mountain lion? A wolf? And if an animal did this, why would it stop at a simple bite?

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