Chapter 72

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H a r l a n

Harlan was nervously pacing with Damien, Elowen, and Blaze in the study as Violette appeared out of nowhere. 

"And?" The brothers asked simultaneously. Harlan eyed her, and she didn't look devastated, just a little tense.

"They're all alive" she started, making everyone sigh of relief, but she remained stiff.

"You didn't say they are well" Elowen infered.

"You didn't let me explain," Violette said "I wouldn't classify all of their situations as being 'well' " she air quoted.

"Talk!" Damien growled, his patience running thin as Blaze glared at him for his outburst.

"Diana and Arden are unhurt..." she paused "I would like to preface this by saying that I do not think it is a good idea for you to abandon your pack in the middle of a war and--"

"Violette!" he stood up from his desk and slammed his hands on it. Violette didn't even flinch but he took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he said "Please, tell me if my mate is okay"

"Selene's water broke on the way to the druid camp," Violette said seriously "She is currently in labor" she announced and Harlan had to jump on his brother's way to prevent him from leaving.

"Let me go!" Damien ordered, his eyes glowing with command and Harlan tried to fight it but he moved away.

"Damien!" Elowen said and somehow managed to make him stop in his tracks. "Are you about to leave your pack defenseless? Are you about to leave us leaderless?"

"Selene's in labor" Was all he said with a serious face as he started walking again. Harlan couldn't pretend he didn't understand his brother perfectly. He would gladly make the same choice if he was in his shoes. But he also knew that without Damien to lead things smoothly, they would likely lose the war.

So he said "If you leave we'll lose" He started "And if we lose and Father regains control he will kill us, Selene, and your child" He was playing with fire but Damien knew he was right.

"But how can I let her go through this alone?" He asked his voice shaking like his heart was breaking.

"Sometimes when you're a leader you have to make sacrifices," Elowen said " So please, stay, Selene will be fine"

Without missing a beat the other alphas charged into Damien's study "We'd like to go over the plan" Coraline said.

So Damien did what he had to do, he pushed down his personal feelings and put the pack first.


The plan was simple, they had set up traps in the woods for the half-lings. Traps designed by Callum and loaded with aconite. They were counting on them being inexpert warriors and falling for them, but realistically, they knew some would survive. 

"The aconite in the traps won't be enough to kill them, but it will incapacitate them enough for me to deliver the final blow" Callum explained.

Now, the vampires, those were going to be tricky. Because the only thing they could do was try to distract them while others attacked from the back and bit them with the wild-rose solution making them vulnerable. So vulnerable they could rip their heads off and end their miserable existence.

Violette warned that there was a possibility that a member of her family would be leading the vampires, and then she proceeded to say she would make sure to deal with such a member, whoever it might be.

"Are you sure?" Blaze asked "They are your family after all"

"I'm just doing what they would have done to me" she expressed "I will do it."

And for the survivors, they would have to face the rage of the entire North American pack against them. Harlan knew the full moon was where they would be their strongest, and they were facing experienced warriors with evil agendas and no mercy.

They would be facing their fathers, uncles and cousins. And it would be hell. But sacrifices had to be made, and they couldn't allow this to go on, this had to end there and then.

So as Harlan, Damien, and all the other alphas walked to the outside of the house to reunite with their people Damien gave a speech.

"I've never been good with words," his voice boomed around them projecting clearly "So I've been dreading doing this part, I've been racking my brain trying to think of something that would inspire you to fight alongside me, and the best I got was this.

"We have to win, we have to win not because of ourselves but for those that suffered and will continue to suffer under my father's reign. The prosperity and freedom I once convinced you to fight for have been threatened once again... And for that, I apologize. It was my job to make sure that never happened again, and I failed. But I ask you one last time, for a chance to give you all the life you deserve, the one you should've had from the start. I will fight for you--we will fight for you" he glanced at his inner circle and the other alphas "And we will be victorious because there is no fight more noble than the one fought for others" Harlan smiled at his brother's words. "The goddess is on our side today, I can feel it" he announced and the audience cheered.

Harlan would never cease to be amazed by his brother. He realized this as he charged into battle, the full moon was minutes away from reaching its peak, and the half-lings were already coming into view.

Some with a few scratches but most were unscathed. It seemed like these were the smartest ones, the ones that didn't fall into the traps. They sent their first soldiers in and started charging into battle as vampires appeared in the middle of the field. Thousands of them. Some weren't as strong, they were much more like an ant infestation, annoying, and hard to kill.

Violette, dressed in sports clothes, easily neutralized the other vampires' powers, allowing Blaze and his soldiers to attack them. Harlan rolled his eyes at Violette's clothes from the start, it gave him the impression that she only viewed this war as a workout. But as he watched her grab a wolf that had bitten Blaze by the maw, and rip it in open with complete determination he was sure this meant something to her.

Harlan was fighting alongside his brother when Gemma's wolf form approached them. 'He's here' she said.

And sure enough, seconds after he caught his scent.

Everest was here.

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